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Eliminate Your Cravings and Enjoy a Sugar-Free Life Today by Resetting Your Biochemistry

End the battle and experience true freedom

Break Your Sugar Addiction Toolkit

Sugar addiction is a silent killer. Although you don’t see immediate consequences as you do with alcohol, cocaine, meth, heroin, etc., the damage is just as severe in the long run. It doesn’t appear to be life-threatening on the surface, because its effects are cumulative and take time to materialize.


Over the years it slowly destroys organs and systems in the body that eventually lead to a variety of debilitating health conditions, like insulin resistance, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, depression, chronic fatigue, attention deficit, Candida overgrowth, anxiety disorders, chronic headaches, hyperactivity, obesity, hypoglycemia, adrenal fatigue, weakened immune system, nutritional deficiencies, autoimmune disorders, cancer, drug and alcohol addiction, Alzheimer’s/Dementia, and much more. Not only that, but addiction to sugar can also lead to alcoholism or drug addiction, as the body breaks down and tolerance builds.


The American Diabetes Association classifies sugar as one of the top three primary causes of degenerative disease in America.


Despite the fact that many people know they shouldn’t eat sugar, they are not able to make the necessary changes in diet because of overwhelming cravings. 


But you don’t have to be one of these statistics.  You can get sugar out of your life for good by overcoming those cravings that impede your intentions.


In the Break Your Sugar Addiction Today Toolkit, you’ll discover a revolutionary and effective recovery approach for the sugar and carb addicted or compulsive overeater that completely eliminates cravings by getting to the true root of the problem. No more sneaking, relapsing, shame, blame, guilt or remorse.


Not only that, but you can also alleviate depression, anxiety, loss of motivation, focus, attention, and energy that typically accompany your food cravings and binges. Better yet, you can also help protect your health from other more serious health conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, autoimmune disorders, cancer, and Alzheimer’s simultaneously.


If you’re ready to achieve all this and more, then you are in the right place. 

Sugar is a Drug

Sugar has a chemical makeup that is almost identical to alcohol. It affects neurotransmitters in the brain that are associated with addictive behavior in the same manner as alcohol and harder drugs. This is why we feel “high” when we eat sugar.


Brain imaging scans reveal that sugar affects the brain in the same way as hard drugs like cocaine, heroin, and morphine. In fact sugar may be 10x more addictive than cocaine.


Over time, as sugar is continually ingested, tolerance builds and more sugar is needed to achieve the same effects, just like alcohol and drugs. Eventually, this leads to complete dependence on sugar to get through the day. A sugar addict is born. Sugar is now used simply to feel normal; they can’t stay away from it even if they want to.


They will begin to lie, sneak, hide, deny, rationalize, justify, blame, make excuses and even steal for their beloved sugar and will continue to consume the substance even when they are facing severe consequences like type 2 diabetes and heart disease, just like an alcoholic or a drug addict. They will engage in uncontrollable binges and even go out in the middle of the night to get a fix.


The sugar addict will go through the same kind of withdrawal and grief as they try to give up their beloved substance of choice as an alcoholic or drug addict does. They also struggle with cravings and relapse that are identical in nature to addiction to drugs and alcohol, when the true roots are not addressed.


Eventually, their life falls apart, just as it does for the alcoholic and drug addicted. Sugar addiction treatment and recovery become as important as addressing any other addiction.

You Can Overcome Your Cravings for Sugar and Carbs in a Few Short Weeks

As any sugar or carb addict knows, breaking a sugar addiction can be just as difficult as an addiction to alcohol or drugs. But, I can help you make this process go a lot smoother and more comfortable and once you get through the transition you will begin to experience complete freedom from food compulsions and have a richer, more joyful, and meaningful life.

Unfortunately, for the carb or sugar addict, there is not a sugar addiction treatment and recovery center or program that focuses purely on this addiction.

Many may turn to one of the 12 step programs like Overeaters Anonymous, but as with most 12 step programs, they are not very effective or successful. The sugar and carb addict continues to fight constant cravings and endure never-ending relapse.

What most people don’t realize is that sugar addiction is just like any other addiction. The reason a 12 step program is not effective is that it does not address the true roots of addiction.

Addiction to sugar and carbs, or any other substance, is not the result of a mental disorder, character defects, weak will, personality disorders, or spiritual failings. You are not powerless.

The roots of sugar and carb addiction lie in disrupted or depleted neurotransmitters in the brain and impairment in the endocrine system. It is out of whack biochemistry that can be successfully addressed with very specific diet, nutrition, and lifestyle changes.

Now, although I don’t have a bricks-and-mortar treatment center, I do have the perfect self-help solution for you in my Break Your Sugar Addiction Today Toolkit, which will teach you how to restore balance to your brain chemistry and endocrine system.

When you restore balance to your biochemistry, then cravings for sugar, carbs, and other addictive substances cease to exist. Your struggle will be over.

In the Break Your Sugar Addiction Today Toolkit You'll Learn:

Why Listen to Cynthia Perkins?

I am a recovered compulsive overeater and carb and sugar addict, as well as a recovered alcoholic and drug addict and a recovered nicotine and caffeine addict.


I have more than 35 years of uninterrupted and craving-free sobriety and also hold a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a master’s degree in counseling, and a certificate of completion in functional medicine from the Academy of Functional Medicine & Genomics, where I studied under Dr. Charles Gant, one of the leading-edge specialists in the field of addiction.


So, not only do you get the expertise of a trained mental health professional but the real-life experiences from someone who has actually been in the trenches of many addictions herself and found her way out.


After a long battle with depression, disabling anxiety disorders, and addiction to many substances, I found my recovery with the blueprint that I share with you in this program.


You see, I’ve been where you’re at and I’ve figured it all out, so I’m laying it out for you so you can repeat my success. The principles you will learn in this toolkit are the exact steps I took that enabled me to completely overcome my cravings and take pleasure in a life without sugar.

What's Included in the Break Your Sugar Addiction Today Toolkit?

1. Break Your Sugar Addiction Today eBook

This cutting-edge and eye-opening eBook is the foundation of the Break Your Sugar Addiction Today Toolkit. 


It presents some of the most progressive thinking found in the field of addiction at this time to help you conquer your cravings and reclaim your life by restoring balance to your brain chemistry and endocrine system, providing you with a comprehensive recovery plan that is based on sound principles from the world of orthomolecular medicine, neuroscience, and nutrition.


Break Your Sugar Addiction Today eBook

Identify all the underlying factors that may perpetuate your sugar and carb cravings like Candida overgrowth, adrenal fatigue, food sensitivities, chronic stress, childhood abuse, sleep, exercise, hormone imbalances, environmental toxins, hypothyroidism, insulin and leptin resistance, and nutritional deficiencies.


Learn the difference between good carbs and bad carbs (and it isn’t what you’ve been taught.) Includes specific and detailed guidelines for diet and lifestyle changes that will eliminate cravings for sugar, carbs, and other addictive substances and undesirable mood states.


Many highly useful tips, techniques, and strategies for coping with the transition and recovery process.


Discover how you can achieve life-long and craving-free recovery from sugar and carbs.


2. Essentials for Recovery Checklist ebook

This handy information-packed little manual is a companion to the Break Your Sugar Addiction Today book.


Essentials for Recovery Checklist eBook

It provides you with a quick and itemized reference guide that highlights all the vital points needed to eliminate your cravings, prevent relapse, stabilize mood, and enjoy a life without sugar, so you know where to get started; as well as an abundance of supplemental data to support and enhance your recovery process.


Discover the best nutritional supplements for overcoming addiction to sugar and carbohydrates. Acquire emotional support and encouragement.


Learn how to forgive yourself and help those who’ve been affected by your addiction to forgive you. Develop a better understanding of the recovery process.


Reinforce the principles needed for restoring balance to brain chemistry and the endocrine system and identify more ways to do so in your day-to-day life.


3. Quieting Your Inner Saboteur eBook

You know the voice, you’ve heard it more times than you care to remember; it’s the one that tells you “go ahead and eat that candy bar,” cookie or whatever the case may be, “you deserve it.”.


Quieting Your Inner Saboteur eBook

It sabotages you at every turn and undermines even the best of intentions. The voice is so loud, you can’t hear anything else or stop it from influencing your actions.


Learn my simple four-step process for quieting the voice of the Inner Saboteur and its ability to control your choices will become a thing of the past.


Understand how this voice and impairment of the endocrine system and brain chemistry perpetuate one another.


Discover how to befriend your Inner Saboteur so it will work with you and not against you.


Step-by-step guidance and printable worksheets. Regain confidence in yourself and your ability to succeed.


4. Your Daily Motivator (Email)

One of the challenges that the food addicted struggle with the most is the ability to remain motivated once they make a decision to change their diet.


Email IconA large part of making dietary changes and remaining committed to them involves changing the way you think.


Changing the way you think requires reinforcement of new thoughts and ideas.


Reinforcement is achieved with consistency and repetition.


The Daily Motivator consists of a single motivational quote, that will be sent to you each morning for the next 6 weeks.


This will help you start off every day with the right mindset and inspire passion to remain committed to your dietary goals. 

5. Recovery Meal Plan - Two Week Sample Menu & Meal Planning Tips eBook

The food you eat, or don’t eat, will be the single most determining factor in your ability to be successful at achieving life-long, comfortable, and craving-free recovery. Therefore, learning how to design your meals properly is the most vital component of the recovery process.


Meal Plan and Sample Menu for How to Break a Sugar AddictionThis booklet provides you with a two week sample menu plus meal planning tips that will help you be successful in remaining committed to your changes in diet by restoring balance to your brain chemistry and endocrine system, which eliminates the factors that usually get in your way like uncontrollable cravings, anxiety, depression, loss of energy and more.


Find time saving tips on planning and preparation for those with a busy schedule. Maximize your cooking creativity.


A printable chart for identifying the sugar content of fruit. Inspiration for creating new ideas of your own. 


Take the guess work out of what your meals should look like and use this handy little guide to save time and simplify your transition to a sugar-free diet.


6. Cynthia's Recipes for Recovery eBook

Discover 54 of my personal recipes.


Recipes for How to Break a Sugar Addiction

Designed specifically for overcoming cravings for sugar, carbs, and other addictive substances and alleviating depression, anxiety, and other disruptive mood states.

Grain-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, low-carb, and paleo-friendly.

Easy, quick, and affordable.


Including meals like quiche, meatloaf, pizza, burritos, meatballs, ribs, barbecue sauce, soups, peach cobbler, banana splits, cookies, mock ice cream, whipped cream, smoothies, and much more.


Use these delicious and satiating recipes to get you started on the road to recovery right away.

Everything You Need for Freedom & Success

I provide a self-help sugar addiction recovery program that actually works because it addresses the core problem of biochemistry. You simply won’t find all this information together in one place anywhere else. The truth about sugar addiction is really limited to a select few and you must know where to find them. It took me over two decades to pull the information together. I’ve done all the leg work for you, now all you have to do is put it into action and you can achieve the same success that I have.


Most self-help kits or programs cost hundreds or thousands of dollars and those that are geared towards food addiction or compulsive overeating are based on outdated concepts with no basis in science that are ineffective for alleviating cravings and preventing relapse.

You Get More Than 100 Times Your Money's Worth

Ordinarily, I charge $160 an hour for my time in a consultation. I estimate that it would take a good 20 hours to teach you everything that this toolkit includes; therefore it contains about $3000 of my time.

If you read, and actually implement the principles in the Break You Sugar Addiction Today Toolkit, you will not only save yourself from the expense of other more costly and ineffective approaches; but even more importantly, the countless days, weeks, or even years that would be spent struggling with constant cravings and relapse and the emotional turmoil that accompanies them, which makes it an investment well worth your time and money.

However, because I am so passionate about helping others overcome their addictions, I have discounted the price by an additional $20 if you purchase today.

So, I invite you to give yourself the gift of freedom from sugar and carb addiction or compulsive overeating.

To stop struggling with cravings and say yes to transforming your life forever, with the Break Your Sugar Addiction Today Toolkit.

Customer Reviews

What others are saying about Break Your Sugar Addiction Today Toolkit

Your diet guidelines are Wonderful! Now I crave healthy foods and enjoy eating them. Thank You So Much.
Woman Icon Testimonial
Cynthia Perkins makes no excuses when it comes to sugar addiction and I admire her simplistic yet powerful approach. I found that the book, Break Your Sugar Addiction Today, has given me the needed tools to help my own clients. It is very informative and full of great insight. It is a huge eye opener as it helps the reader have a greater understanding of the negative effects sugar addiction has on your mind, body and spirit. Being a holistic nutritionist this is a must for my library.
Woman Client Icon
Janice Doerksen, RHN
I've been following your dietary suggestions and it has completely taken away my food cravings and put an end to my overeating.
Woman Client Icon

Download Break Your Sugar Addiction Today Toolkit Instantly

Yes, Cynthia, I'm Ready to Eliminate My Food Cravings and Enjoy a Sugar-Free Life

I understand I will receive Immediate Access to the following:

  • Break Your Sugar Addiction Today eBook
  • Essentials for Recovery Checklist
  • Quieting Your Inner Saboteur
  • Your Daily Motivator
  • Meal Plans for Recovery
  • Cynthia’s Recipes for Recovery

Only $49.99 -$29.99 Today

Work with Me and Get the Toolkit Free

Now, if you’d like a more personal touch and need additional support and guidance, then you can get this incredible toolkit for free if you work with me one-on-one by committing to my six weeks Break Your Sugar Addiction Today Accountability Coaching Package. This package comes with three 30-minute phone coaching sessions with me, every two weeks for six weeks.


It takes between three and six weeks to complete the first and most important phase in resetting biochemistry, at which time cravings will begin to subside. So, this package is designed to support you through this time period. It also allows for unlimited email or text interactions with me in between each phone consultation,  so if something comes up in between our sessions, you can send me an email and I’ll respond in a timely manner.


Studies demonstrate that the people who are the most successful in making health and diet-related changes are those that utilize some type of accountability coaching. There’s just something about knowing that you have to answer to someone in regard to your actions that encourages you to remain committed to the goal you are trying to achieve.


One study by The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) has shown that you can increase your chances of reaching a goal by 65% by simply making a commitment to someone. And you increase that success to 95%, if you have a specific accountability appointment with the person you’ve made the commitment to. 


Accountability coaching provides encouragement, validation, inspiration, and motivation. It helps you stay focused and on track so you don’t get distracted and lose sight of your goal.


It prevents you from procrastinating, making excuses, and slipping into denial, which is very common in people trying to overcome an addiction.


It provides you with a voice that is louder than your Inner Saboteur and all of those around you that may be reinforcing counterproductive messages. 


If these are the only voices you are hearing all the time, then you will end up listening to them. Remember, we mentioned earlier, that a large part of making changes in the diet and remaining committed to your goals involves changing the way you think. Changing the way you think requires that you reinforce the new thoughts, ideas, and actions. And reinforcement is achieved with consistency and repetition.


If everyone around you is eating a poor diet, engaging in addictive behaviors, living a toxic lifestyle, and filling your head with contradictory information, it’s going to be quite difficult to remain committed to the changes needed for your recovery.


You need to have at least one voice that will help reinforce the new principles, habits, and actions that you are learning and as your accountability coach, I will be that voice.


You’ll receive guidance, advice, and support that keeps you moving in the right direction from someone who has been where you are at and has already achieved the goal you are striving for. We will also fine-tune and personalize the basic diet principles for your own body chemistry so you have a diet that works specifically for you.


Accountability coaching holds you responsible for your actions and your recovery process, and I’ll teach you how to hold yourself accountable so that you can continue to move forward once our work together is over. I’ll provide you with my simple 5-step formula for creating a more accountable you and my accountability checklist.


You can also use our time together to answer questions, clarify anything you don’t understand, identify whether any of the other underlying contributing factors mentioned in the book apply to you and how to address them.


We will also fine-tune and personalize the basic diet principles for your body chemistry, so you have a diet that works specifically for you.


So to summarize, the Accountability Coaching Package contains three 30-minute phone consultations, unlimited email or text support between calls, the accountability formula, and the Break Your Sugar Addiction Today Toolkit, all for $299. So you save at least $100 or more.

Yes, Cynthia, I'd Like to Purchase the Accountability Coaching Package and Get the Break Your Sugar Addiction Toolkit for Free

I understand I will receive Immediate Access to the following:

  • Break Your Sugar Addiction Today eBook
  • Essentials for Recovery Checklist
  • Quieting Your Inner Saboteur
  • Your Daily Motivator
  • Meal Plans for Recovery
  • Cynthia’s Recipes for Recovery


  • Three 30-minute phone coaching sessions every two weeks for six weeks so that you have the support and guidance you need to remain committed to your dietary goals.
  • Unlimited email or text support between calls so you don’t fall back into old eating patterns between coaching sessions.
  • A diet audit to help you fine-tune and personalize the basic diet principles for your body chemistry, so you have a diet that works specifically for you.
  • Identify hidden underlying contributors that fuel your cravings and how to stop them from sabotabing your diet efforts.
  • My personal 5-Step Accountability Formula and Accountability Checklist so you can learn how to hold yourself accountable. 
  • And a whole lot more!

Only $299 Today

To Your Success,


Cynthia Perkins


Another way to look at this is, what’s it going to cost you if you “don’t” say yes to my offer to help you finally achieve freedom from your cravings and relapse.

I’m sure you can add up a very long list of consequences very quickly, like money lost on binges, time thrown away on relapsing or non-effective approaches, low self-esteem and self-worth, shame, blame, guilt, and the relentless yearning to remain committed to your goals and live your life on your terms.

Break Your Sugar Addiction Today Toolkit can really set you free.

**Please note, all sales are final.

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