Inflation Relief Special: Save $200 on Higher Level of Health Coaching with Cynthia

Live Life to the Fullest

Take charge of your healing journey with a strong self-care plan to alleviate stress and anxiety and elevate your health and well-being so you can become more of who you are meant to be and live a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

With Holistic Health Coach Cynthia Perkins M.Ed.

Welcome, I'm Cynthia Perkins

Holistic Health Coach, Educator, and Author

More than 30 years ago I overcame disabling anxiety attacks, depression, and addiction to sugar, benzos, alcohol, and numerous other substances with simple changes in diet and lifestyle. I then felt called to help others do the same and a deep sense of responsibility to share what I have learned.


For more than 19 years I have helped clients with chronic health conditions to take charge of their healing journey, conquer anxiety, manage stress, overcome addictions, enhance health and well-being, and successfully improve the quality of their lives. 

Philosophy and Approach

Responsibility for your health lies in your hands not your practitioners and empowerment comes by first being properly informed about your conditions, the challenges that exist, and the options available to you. Then implementing a comprehensive and holistic self-care plan that is proven to work.


It is accurate information that enables us to make decisions that are in our best interest, set goals, and move forward with strength and confidence. With faulty or insufficient information, there will be indecision, faltering, or immobilization.


Regardless of what health condition you are facing, with the right self-care interventions, stress and anxiety can be reduced, while significant and often dramatic improvements in your mental, physical, spiritual health and well-being can be made.

I strive to provide you with honest, practical, and effective self-care strategies that are free of marketing hype and outrageous miracle claims to help you become more of who you were meant to be and live life more fully, with a special emphasis on the Paleo diet, non-toxic living, breathwork, and mindfulness. 

Healing is a life-long journey, not a one-time event.

– Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed.

The healing journey requires that you become a diligent participant on the road to recovery and a passionate advocate for yourself and your health. During the journey, a person doesn’t just implement a plan for healing; they change their values, beliefs, identity, choices, and way of interacting with the world. They redefine their life and who they are on an ongoing basis.

I am here to shine a light on your path, show you which direction to go, how to avoid the pitfalls, potholes, and one-way streets, and provide a roadmap and tools for support to make your journey easier, brighter, and more comfortable and help you reach the most enriching and fruitful destination possible.

How Can I Help You?

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One-on-One Health Coaching

Talk with me one-on-one and we will work together to help you move toward a higher level of health, take charge of your healing journey,  live life to the fullest, and become more of who you were meant to be.

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The Breath Stream Technique

Learn to use breathwork and mindfulness to conquer stress and anxiety and elevate your health and well-being without a big investment in time in this short audio course.

My Bestselling Books

Obtain my eye-opening tips, techniques, and strategies to inform and empower your journey and elevate your health and well-being at an unbeatable price.


Candida Secrets

Get the facts you need to relieve symptoms, stop suffering, and combat yeast overgrowth.

Increase Gaba

Finally learn the correct way to increase Gaba and lower glutamate.

Be Sugar-Free

Overcome cravings, binges, and hunger between meals and enjoy a life without sugar.

Satisfied Clients

What satisfied clients say about working with Holistic Health Coach Cynthia Perkins.

I thank you so much Cynthia. You are the greatest thing that's happened to me since I began my healing journey. The best money I've ever spent.
Male Client Testimonial for Integrative Holistic Health Coaching
You are truly amazing with your insight, wisdom and knowledge. It was a very valuable experience and money well spent. I'm so thankful I found your web site.
Woman Client Icon Testimonial for Integrative Holistic Health Coaching
Thank you so much for your wonderful consultation and help. You've helped me more in one hour than I've had in 13 years from others.
Woman Client Icon

Featured Blog Posts

For my most recent innovative self-care tips and strategies to reduce stress and anxiety and elevate your health and well-being, check out my blog.  

Wooden seasaw depicting GABA and Glutamate Balance

How to Increase GABA and Balance Glutamate

Autonomic nervous system dysfunction symptoms word cloud.

Do You Have Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction?

Scary microbe illustration depicting candida overgrowth.

How Candida Overgrowth Symptoms Affect Health and Well-Being

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