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Living Life to the Fullest

Creative Coping Strategies for Managing Chronic Illness

Living Life to the Fullest eBook


Reduce Feelings of Helplessness

Be Empowered

Regain Personal Control

Enhance the Quality of Your Life

Improve Self-Esteem

Living with chronic illness has a deep impact on not only the individual inflicted but all those surrounding them. It leaves no area of life untouched. Although we always want to be looking for possible cures and methods to heal, for some conditions complete healing is not a possibility, and even when it is, healing is a process that takes time. Our lives may be turned upside down at times and our coping abilities pushed to the limit. 

We are likely to face crises, loss, pain, grief, conflict, disruption, excess stress, uncertainty, and even questions about identity and the meaning of life. If left unmanaged, chronic illness has the potential to greatly degrade our quality of life, rob us of personal power, deteriorate self-esteem and destroy relationships.

The most effective way to manage and reduce the impact that chronic illness has on our lives is to develop effective coping skills that address the limits we now face. As someone who lives with the challenges of chronic illness every day, I am quite familiar with the challenging terrain, and as a mental health professional, I know how important it is to address these issues head-on before they consume us.

Self-Care Tips to Help You:

Living Life to the Fullest  is packed with self-care tips, techniques, and strategies that cost you absolutely nothing and address all areas of your life. From dieting to sexuality and everything in-between you’ll find effective ways to minimize the power chronic illness has over your life and live a fuller more satisfying life.

What Others Say About Living Life to the Fullest

"As a person living with chronic illness, I found Cynthia Perkins' book "Living Life to the Fullest" sweet, concise and easy to read. Full of helpful, insightful information, it's a practical guide to healing from someone who knows the rope."
Janice Strubbe-Wittenberg (Author The Rebellious Body)
"In Living Life to the Fullest - Creative Coping Strategies for Managing Chronic Illness Cynthia Perkins conveys in a remarkably accessible way the depth and range of experiences and emotions that comprise life with illness. The book is a thoughtful and honest account of her personal struggles and successes living with illness; at the same time, the words will ring true for any reader coming to terms with human vulnerability. Cynthia Perkins has provided a valuable guide offering both a conceptual framework for understanding illness and practical tools for negotiating the daily challenges. The book itself is an easy to use tool; it is thoughtfully tailored to the reader with health limitations who might find the short chapters and straightforward presentation especially appealing."
Gayle Heiss (Author Finding the Way Home- A Compassionate Approach to Illness)
"Cynthia Perkins’ Living Life to the Fullest - Creative Coping Strategies for Managing Chronic Illness is an informative ebook containing twenty short chapters covering the psychological, physical, and spiritual dimensions of living with chronic illness. What I liked best about Perkins’ ebook was its personal approach and sincere tone. The author herself copes daily with the challenges presented by Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and it is her first-hand experience that informs this ebook. Despite the serious subject matter of the book, Perkins’ tone never becomes maudlin or saccharine--even when she is addressing such sensitive issues as pain, death, and spirituality. And despite the author’s background in psychology and counseling, the book never gets bogged down in jargon. All in all, I found Perkins’ writing skills to be a cut above the average ebook author’s."
Laura Halferty (eBook Reviews Weekly)
"Living Life to the Fullest provides plenty of practical examples and options. She clearly isolates and defines the conflicts and the often ambivalent and seemingly contradicting emotions one may go through. Cynthia's own personal experience and analogies enriches the material. Her writing on emotions and feelings is outstanding, in depth, realistic and profound."
Daryl Hersh (Counselor for Ozer Ministries)
"The author faithfully tackles some of the more personal issues and challenges for those faced with persistent pain and chronic illnesses. She shines brightly in her "Nurturing Relationships" section. Her choices are well thought out, born of her own personal suffering. All this in a clear detailed account of what could otherwise prove to be overwhelming and unfortunate situations for many of us. This book is one heartwarming antidote... no prescription needed!"
Jessie B. Childs (Ebook Palace)
"This is a brilliant, inspiring, easy-to-read guide to living with chronic illness in a healthy way. When I first got sick with EI/MCS, rheumatoid/osteoarthritis and constant fatigue and infections, I only focused on getting rid of these afflictions. After spending thousands of dollars trying to get healthy, Cynthia's book is a reminder to me that I can live my life in a healthy way even though I am still sick. This book is a huge bargain - everyone with a chronic illness needs a copy. The chapter on suicide is especially important. I have seen several of my friends end their lives because they couldn't imagine how to obtain fulfillment while living with chronic illness. I only wish they'd had this book and used it to look at things a different way. The chief benefit of this book is reminding those with chronic illness, There is always another way. Thank you, Cynthia, for making the effort to write this gem!!!
Gena Parkhurst

Benefits of Living Life to the Fullest

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