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Meditating for Health

Learn the Basics of Mindfulness Meditation and How to Transform Your Life Within Minutes

Meditating for Health eBook

Quick and Easy Guide

Enhance Health and Well-Being

Reduce Stress and Anxiety

15 Different Techniques

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Whether you’re addressing a current health condition or protecting yourself from future problems, Meditating for Health offers an affordable health care strategy that has no side effects. We can all benefit from the positive effects that meditation has on the body and mind, regardless of our level of health.


Meditating, particularly mindfulness-based meditation, has a direct effect on the body and mind that has been found to be immensely beneficial for not only the spiritual level but the psychological and physical levels as well.


Although for many years Western medicine ignored and scoffed at this ancient healing technique, it is now becoming commonplace as an adjunct to treatment for a variety of illnesses and conditions. Everything from headaches, mild tension, and stress, to heart disease, pain management, and blood pressure to depression, anxiety, insomnia, and even AIDS and cancer respond well to meditation.

Discover How You Can:

Why Listen to Cynthia Perkins?

Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed., is a holistic health coach who has used mindfulness-based meditation to provide relief for anxiety and chronic pain, better sleep, reduced stress, relaxation, and spiritual growth for more than three decades. Her knowledge comes to you from both personal and professional experience.


In this book, you won’t drown in spiritual mumbo jumbo or get lost in a sea of unrealistic claims or lengthy discussions of outdated meditation history .In simple and easy-to-understand language, this short little guide will show you how to improve your overall mental, physical, and spiritual health in a few quick minutes with mindfulness-based meditation.


Meditating does not have to be time-consuming or difficult. You don’t have to become a formal student and study ancient Buddhist secrets to reap the many benefits that meditation has to offer. You can be meditating like a pro within the hour by mastering a few basic and simple concepts.

You'll Also Discover How to:

Whether you’re healthy or sick, regardless of which health condition you may face, we all live stressful and hectic lives that take a toll on our health. Incorporating meditation into your health care plan is a smart move for both short-term relief of symptoms and protecting your health in the future.

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