White Coating on Tongue – Do You Have it?
Today we explore what causes a white coating on the tongue, in this question from a blog visitor.
Today we explore what causes a white coating on the tongue, in this question from a blog visitor.
Questions about the Candida diet are the most common topic on this blog. Here are a few more, I’ve grouped together, as each one requires …
Q. Cynthia, I have been weaning myself off sugar and really getting stronger about the meat and veggies only. I’m still not 100% yet (I …
Q.Cynthia, I have severe heavy metal toxicities and candida overgrowth. There are lots of controversies over which to remove first: Chelate the metals or detox …
Q. Hi Cynthia! I was wondering if you can suggest testing I should have done. I originally had an organic acids test 8 months ago …
Q. Hi, I would appreciate any advice you can give me. I have colitis, candida, sibo, h-pylori, erosive gastritis and chronic diarrhea. I am severely …
Q. Cynthia, I have been gluten free for over a year and I also came off dairy, coffee, alcohol, sugars, yeast, wheat and fruits without …
Q. Hi, I have a few things going on with my body and I’m just plain worn out.. but what i would like to ask …
Q. Hi Cynthia, I have found your website to be a great source for so many health concerns. I am dealing with systemic candida. I …
Q. Hi Cynthia! I have a problem digesting vegetables because immediately afterwards I get a horrible stomach ache. It is in the top area of …