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How Can You Improve Indoor Air Quality and Why Should You?

One of the best ways we can optimize our health and level of functioning is to find some simple solutions to improve our indoor air quality.  Many people are unaware that pollutants in their everyday environment cause many of their symptoms. Products such as laundry soap, fabric softener, perfume, household cleaning products, carpet, pesticides, personal care products, and even the basic construction of our house all contain high levels of chemicals which continually outgas into our air and bodies and are detrimental to our health.

Indoor air is often more polluted than outdoor air.

The EPA estimates that the concentrations of some pollutants in our homes may be 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor concentrations. These pollutants may enter our homes from pesticide use in the neighborhood, factories, woodsmoke in the air, mold in the home, construction of the home, chemicals tracked into our homes on the bottom of our shoes or on our clothing, chemicals in our water, or products we use ourselves. Considering that we spend approximately 90 percent of our time indoors this should be of great concern.

Toxicity in products such as cologne, perfume, dryer exhaust, air fresheners, laundry soap, deodorants, shampoo, fabric softener, and other personal care products reported in Material Safety Data Sheets are listed as being sensitizers, carcinogenic, and causing central nervous system disorders as well as symptoms such as depression, headache, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, narcosis, ataxia, irritation of respiratory tract, and a long list of other effects.

These toxins are absorbed through the respiratory tract and the skin.  Not only are the people using these products being poisoned, but also the people around them within their air space. In addition to that, the production of these toxic substances in factories releases chemicals into the air, water, soil and ultimately they are absorbed into our bodies again.  Residues from washing clothes and the toxins from taking a shower and from dryer exhaust make their way back into our water supply and thus absorbed by our bodies once again.

The average consumer is not aware of these things.  It is not common knowledge.  In fact, consumers are falsely led to believe that these products are safe and healthy.  Manufacturers of these products and even the agencies we have set in place that are supposed to oversee such matters and protect us go to great lengths to cover up these destructive health effects all in the name of money.

Simple Indoor Air Quality Solutions

All these toxic fragrances in products are simply not necessary for sanitation, freshness, and cleanliness. There are a variety of easy indoor air quality solutions that cost you very little and simply require changes in lifestyle.

  • A variety of markets develop personal care products and cleaning products that are unscented, natural and non -toxic.  Thus, saving your own health, others and the planet as well.
  • Baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar which are all natural and non-toxic products will clean our houses, brush our teeth, wash our clothes, make a good deodorant, disinfect, and pretty much anything else. There is no need for chemical-based products.
  • Remember that a clean house does not have a smell.
  • Don’t use carpeting or purchase green carpeting
  • Use non-toxic paint.
  • A simple shower with plain water will eliminate body odor.
  • Opening the windows in your house and car for a period of time will clean the air in it.
  • If you live in an area where winter months are cold, it is especially important to air out your place and keep a clean environment, because the house is closed up and the toxins build up.  Even when it is cold, it is a good idea to open the windows and clear out your indoor air at least several times a week.  Every day if possible.
  • However, don’t open your windows if your neighbors or city has used pesticides recently, and ask them to notify you when they do so you can be sure to keep your windows shut during that time.
  • Use non-toxic alternatives for killing weeds and bugs.
  • Buy a portable air filtration system.

Implementing these simple solutions to improve your indoor air quality can reduce or alleviate symptoms such as headaches, sinus pain, memory difficulties, irritability, sore throat, cognitive functioning, fatigue, respiratory distress, sleepiness, and much more. Even if you don’t think you are suffering any consequences you can protect yourself from future damage.

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