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Is Intermittent Fasting Right for You?

Intermittent fasting

Although intermittent fasting (IF) is commonly practiced in the Paleo, low-carb, and keto communities and may provide health benefits to some people, it is not right for everyone. This is especially true for the individual who is trying to increase Gaba and lower glutamate or balance other neurotransmitter levels, or dealing with conditions like anxiety, chronic stress, dysautonomia (sympathetic nervous system dominance), Candida overgrowth, SIBO, adrenal fatigue, impaired blood sugar regulation, sugar and carb addiction, depression, addiction, insomnia, compulsive overeating or other eating disorders, or other mental health or cognitive disorders. Under these conditions IF can be highly counterproductive.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

With intermittent fasting, the individual intentionally incorporates periods of time into their eating schedule in which they skip a meal or two. At least 16 hours of fasting is needed to achieve any benefits and going beyond 24 hours does not increase the potential for benefits. So fasting typically takes place for 16 to 24 hours. The most common method used is to simply skip breakfast, extending the overnight absence of food until lunchtime. Some people do it several times a week, while others do it weekly or even monthly.

In a healthy person, the benefits of IF are believed to include a decrease in body fat, better health and longevity, greater insulin sensitivity, lowering of blood lipids and triglycerides, an increase in energy, better brain function, cancer-fighting characteristics, and others.

While it is true that intermittent fasting was a natural part of our Paleolithic ancestor’s life, our ancestors weren’t living with microbial overgrowth, adrenal fatigue, disrupted brain chemistry, impairment of the endocrine system, and damaged metabolism, as much of society is today.

The adrenal glands must be strong to handle the hormonal and metabolic changes that take place during intermittent fasting and the brain must not be depleted in neurotransmitters. Otherwise, IF can magnify the aforementioned issues and precipitate even more deterioration in health.

Intermittent Fasting is Stressful

First and most importantly, fasting is a stressor on the body, so for someone who is already dealing with chronic stress (excess sympathetic nervous system activity or sympathetic dominance) and/or adrenal fatigue, as is the case with most people who have Candida and SIBO or an imbalance in GABA and glutamate, or anxiety issues, this is going to lead to more degradation in health and exacerbation in symptoms like anxiety, overwhelm, insomnia, fatigue, exhaustion, cravings for sugar and carbs, and more.

When we go for long periods without eating, the stress response system is activated. This means there will be an elevation in cortisol, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. All of which will be detrimental to all the aforementioned conditions and a huge burden on the adrenals.

Additionally, when we are under stress, we have a high need for neurotransmitters like Gaba, endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine because they are used to help regulate stress. If one is already depleted in one or more of these, the stress is going to create a demand that exceeds the supply situation, so neurotransmitter levels are going to become even lower and one is going to have a greater inability to deal with the stress.

Neurotransmitters Need a Steady Supply of Nutrients

Neurotransmitters are formed from the nutrients in our food. When we are trying to restore balance to brain chemistry and replenish neurotransmitter levels, as is the case with conditions like Gaba and glutamate imbalance, adrenal fatigue, anxiety disorders, insomnia, drug and alcohol addiction, depression, ADHD, compulsive overeating, and sugar and carb addiction, then meals need to be eaten consistently throughout the day to provide the nutrients needed for proper production and function. Going without meals will result in lower levels and consequently a worsening of symptoms.

Furthermore, when blood sugar levels drop in response to skipping a meal, so do neurotransmitter levels. Our goal in repairing brain chemistry is to create stability throughout the day in neurotransmitter levels, which cannot be achieved if blood sugar is going up and down.

Fasting increases catechols, which can slow down catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), so this can be problematic for the individual who has a COMT gene mutation already impeding their problem in breaking down catecholamines.

Blood Sugar Dysregulation

Now, you most likely have read from many Paleo bloggers out there, that if you are eating Paleo and already a fat burner, then intermittent fasting will not have any negative effects. That is not true. I have been a faithful Paleo devotee eating very low-carb for more than a decade and running primarily on fat and protein, and if I go for more than five hours without eating, I still experience all the negative effects of low blood sugar like a migraine, shaking, trembling, anxiety, intense nausea, impaired cognitive functioning, dizziness, weakness, and feeling like I’ll pass out. This is true for many people because other factors can affect how you will respond.

When we go without eating, glucose levels will begin to drop. This prompts the hormones called glucagon and epinephrine to stimulate the release of glycogen (glucose stored in our liver and muscles). Epinephrine works primarily on muscle, while glucagon works primarily on the liver. People with true hypoglycemia have lost their ability to produce glucagon, so they do not have adequate levels for this process. If adequate levels of glucagon are not present, low blood sugar will be experienced during fasting.

This drop is a critical issue for the individual who is working on balancing Gaba and glutamate. High levels of glutamate incite the release of insulin which lowers blood sugar. So the individual with high glutamate is already dealing with the challenge of trying to keep blood sugar stable.

On the flip side, glucose is required to modulate glutamate at the synapse, so when it is low, it leads to an even bigger increase in glutamate, thus forming a vicious circle. Low blood sugar will provoke higher levels of glutamate while at the same time inhibiting your ability to reduce the build-up. Keeping blood sugar stable at all times is essential for maintaining the balance between Gaba and glutamate, and that cannot be achieved if one is engaging with intermittent fasting.

People can have problems regulating their blood sugar for a variety of other reasons, such as Candida and SIBO interfering in the process, thyroid problems, and adrenal fatigue. Regardless of the reason, anyone with blood sugar regulation issues is likely to have negative effects from IF, and the drop in blood sugar is very hard on the adrenal glands.

Rebound Overeating

All the issues we have discussed on this page, including the stress factor, the blood sugar dysregulation, and the impact on neurotransmitters can lead to a rebound effect, whereby the individual will develop ravenous hunger and/or cravings after fasting and then engage in a bout of binge eating on sugar, carbs, or fat.

In Conclusion

Although intermittent fasting may provide some benefits for a healthy individual, it is best avoided if we have an imbalance in Gaba and glutamate, Candida, SIBO, adrenal fatigue, problems regulating blood sugar, sugar and carb addiction, compulsive overeating, an anxiety disorder, depression, dysautonomia(excess sympathetic nervous system activity (sympathetic dominance), and insomnia, or are in early recovery from drug or alcohol addiction.

However, you can determine if it is right for you with simple experimentation. If you have a negative experience with IF, then don’t do it. Be cautious if you have any of the aforementioned conditions.

Intermittent fasting is just one diet philosophy that can be highly counterproductive for your health when trying to increase Gaba and lower glutamate, conquer stress and anxiety, overcome cravings, microbial overgrowth, and adrenal fatigue, or elevate your health and well-being overall. There are many others.

If you need help determining if intermittent fasting is harmful to you, individualizing your diet, or elevating your health overall, enroll in the Higher Level of Health Program today, and we will get started right away. I focus heavily on diet in my approach and provide a diet audit, personalized diet suggestions, diet guidelines in PDF format, and much more.

Alternatively, if you just want my diet guidelines, you can find everything you need to know to not only balance Gaba and glutamate and other neurotransmitters but to keep blood sugar stable, support gut, brain, and adrenal health, reduce inflammation, discourage microbial overgrowth, sleep better, reduce stress and anxiety, overcome cravings for sugar and carbs, and elevate your health and well-being overall in my definitive guide How to Balance Gaba and Glutamate with Diet, because the eating requirements for each of these issues can be addressed in one fell swoop.

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