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Sugar-Free and Paleo Bonbons

Paleo Bonbons

Coconut butter can be used to make a wide variety of healthy and scrumptious candy-like treats that I am calling Bonbons for lack of a better word, which can be used on any holiday like Easter, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, birthday parties or any other occasion.

These low-carb, sugar-free, Paleo friendly and melt in your mouth delicious recipes are quick and easy. This picture really doesn’t do them justice. I didn’t realize I had done such a poor job of forming them into balls until I saw this picture and didn’t have time to make a new batch before putting up this post. So I’ll put up a better picture another day, but this gives you the general idea. Here are four different flavors to try.

Paleo Bonbons

Lemon Bonbons

  • 1/4 cup coconut butter (soft at room temperature)
  • 3 or 4 teaspoons lemon juice (chilled and you can adjust quantity depending on how strong you want the lemon flavor)


  1. Mix the coconut butter and lemon juice together.
  2. It’s important that the lemon juice be chilled, because the cold temperature when mixed with the warm temperature of the coconut butter creates a texture that is easy to work with to form shapes.
  3. Scoop out the mixture in a heaping teaspoon and place it on a plate.
  4. Roll into a ball or simply leave as is.
  5. Stick in the freezer for about 15 or 20 minutes.
  6. That’s eat. Take them out and eat them.
  7. Store leftovers in the fridge.


Cinnamon Bonbons

  • 1/4 cup coconut butter (soft at room temperature)
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • Dash of Real Salt


  1. Mix the coconut butter, cinnamon and salt together in a bowl.
  2. Stick it in the freezer for about 3 to 5 minutes, until it starts to get firm. (Keep an eye on it, because it doesn’t take long before it gets too hard to work with.)
  3. Take out of the freezer and then drop them on a plate with a teaspoon.
  4. Roll them into balls or leave them as drops.
  5. Stick in the freezer for about 15 or 20 minutes.
  6. Take them out and enjoy.
  7. Keep any leftovers in fridge.


Vanilla Bonbons

  • 1/4 cup coconut butter (soft at room temperature)
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • Dash of salt

(Repeat the instructions that are provided above for the Cinnamon Bonbons.)


Macadamia & Coconut Bonbons

  • 1/4 cup of coconut butter (soft at room temperature)
  • 1/3 cup of macadamia butter
  • Dash of salt


  1. Mix the macadamia butter and the coconut butter together in a bowl.
  2. Stick the bowl in the freezer for about 10 minutes or so until it starts to get firm, but not hard. (When the coconut butter has nut butter added to it, it takes a little longer to start getting hard.)
  3. Take the bowl out and scoop the mixture out by heaping teaspoon and place on a plate.
  4. You can leave them as they are or roll them into balls.
  5. Stick them back in the freezer for about 15 or 20 minutes.
  6. Enjoy and refrigerate any leftovers.



You can replace the macadamia butter with any other type of nut butter you prefer for many different versions. Almond butter with cinnamon is good, and so is pecan butter with cinnamon.

Depending on which holiday you are celebrating, you could alter the shapes by pouring the mixture into a cookie cutter. So you could essentially have them shaped as eggs, bunny rabbits or chicks for Easter;  and Xmas trees, snowmen, and bells for Christmas;  a heart for Valentine’s day;  and a witch or ghost for Halloween.

Different spices or flavors can be used as desired. For example, cinnamon or lemon could be replaced with orange, peppermint, maple, almond, cherry, etc.,

You can also decorate them if you like with chopped raisins, dried fruit, shredded coconut, or crushed nuts, prior to freezing.

So feel free to be creative and come up with your own variations that will be a hit for you and/or your family.

2 thoughts on “Sugar-Free and Paleo Bonbons”

  1. I am just realizing how sick I am with Candida. So starting the learning . I ordered The Yeast Connection book, just now. I have bookmarked your blog sight and enjoying your great information written so well, simply and clearly.
    Can you make these bonbons with cocoa?

    1. Admin - Cynthia Perkins

      Hi Misty,

      Cocoa should not be part of the diet, it will feed Candida and disrupt brain chemistry that leads to cravings for carbohydrates. Please take a look at the following page:


      You could make the bonons with carob. Carob should not be eaten on a frequent basis, but it is okay to do once in a while on a holiday. You can learn more about carob on the following page.



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