Q. Cynthia, I have been having internal tremors for about 6 months. It is not a constant problem but has compromised my life. Sometimes the tremors are visible only in my hands but I feel them mostly in the trunk of my body. I also have extreme fatigue. I do not feel well at all and the MDs I have gone to can find nothing. ~Judy
A. Hi Judy,
There are many possible factors that could result in internal tremors. This is an indication that something is disrupting the nervous system, but the disruption may have a variety of root causes. You’ll need to investigate each of the potential offenders to identify which ones apply to your situation.
The same applies to the extreme fatigue and general feeling of poor health. However, the most common cause of extreme fatigue is adrenal fatigue, which may also result in tremors and declining health.
The following list would be the most common potential suspects for the fatigue, tremors, and not feeling well in general when traditional medical doctors can’t find anything.
Pesticide or Herbicide Exposure
All pesticides and herbicides cause severe disruption and damage to the nervous system and often result in internal tremors. This could be something you use in your own home or yard to kill bugs or weeds, or your neighbors, city, or state. Damage could occur from a one-time exposure, or from ongoing exposures that accumulate over time. It can also be the pesticides in your food. Read more about pesticides and your health.
Pesticides also inhibit enzymes that are important in the production of energy, disrupt the endocrine system, and weaken the adrenal glands. All of which will result in extreme fatigue and poor health.
Other Common Everyday Chemicals
The chemicals that compose other common everyday chemicals like perfume, air fresheners, disinfectants, laundry soap, etc. new carpet, new housing construction or remodeling, mold overgrowth, fresh paint, etc. all contain harmful chemicals that affect the nervous system and can result in trembling.
Even if you haven’t had a problem with these previously, a problem can present itself after years of exposure weaken the liver’s ability to perform its detoxification duties.
These chemicals also disrupt the endocrine system, adrenal glands, and production of energy, which can lead to an array of disabling symptoms and poor health like fatigue, depression, anxiety, hypoglycemia, and more.
Read these pages for more info on the impact of chemicals.
Heavy Metal Toxicity
Toxic metals like mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, antimony, lead, etc. will also disrupt the nervous system and adrenal glands and can result in a vast array of symptoms which would include fatigue and internal tremors.
Toxic metals may be in your fish, water, air, cosmetics, dental procedures, vaccines, and many more. A hair analysis can help you assess the level of heavy metals in your body.
Hormone Imbalance
An imbalance or fluctuation of hormones that occurs during perimenopause often brings on symptoms like fatigue and tremors. Perimenopause symptoms can begin as early as your 30s. Additionally, hormones can be out of balance from pesticides, herbicides, and other common everyday chemicals and poor diet and can occur at any age. Hormone imbalance is very common in both men and women because of poor diet and the high level of environmental toxins we are all exposed to on a daily basis.
Poor Diet
A diet that contains sugar, caffeine, white flour, junk food, and even too many complex carbohydrates disrupts the nervous system, endocrine system, and adrenal glands. As we get older, we often become less tolerant of carbohydrates. The following pages on diet would be helpful to read:
Does Eating Red Meat Cause Early Death
Neurotransmitter Imbalance or Disruptions
Disrupted or depleted neurotransmitters in the brain result in a long list of symptoms, which include fatigue and tremors. Neurotransmitters are affected by many variables like diet, nutrition, stress, environmental toxins, emotional trauma, alcohol, recreational drugs, and pharmaceutical drugs. The neurotransmitter issues most likely associated with internal tremors would include low levels of GABA, low serotonin, and too much norepinephrine.
Food Sensitivity
Fatigue and nervous system dysfunction are two of the most common symptoms to occur with unidentified food sensitivity.
Candida Overgrowth
The overgrowth of Candida yeast in the body and the toxins it emits are a major contributor to disruption of the nervous system and symptoms like trembling and fatigue.
Nutritional deficiencies or imbalances
The nervous system cannot function properly and the body cannot produce energy if it does not have sufficient levels of nutrients. Nutritional deficiencies are present in most of the population.
On the other hand, too much of a particular nutrient can be just as bad as not enough. For example, an excess of copper is associated with high levels of nervousness and internal tremors. Assessing your nutrient levels with an RBC mineral test can help you with this task.
Trembling and fatigue are very common symptoms of hypoglycemia. However, this is typically experienced in between meals. Eating typically alleviates these symptoms when connected to blood sugar.
Adrenal fatigue
In adrenal fatigue, the adrenal glands are no longer producing cortisol adequately. This results in many debilitating symptoms. Extreme fatigue is the primary symptom and it is commonly accompanied by shaking, trembling, or internal tremors. You can assess the functioning of your adrenal glands with a cortisol saliva test.
Hypothyroidism is another common culprit in fatigue and may disrupt the nervous system as well.
Internal tremors could also be signs of Parkinson’s. However, keep in mind that Parkinson’s is a disorder that occurs because of dysfunction in the neurotransmitter, dopamine. Environmental toxins like heavy metal toxicity and pesticides are linked to Parkinson’s.
Regardless of which of the factors above may apply to your situation, eliminating the sugar, caffeine, junk food, complex carbohydrates, and environmental toxins and increasing protein intake is likely to bring some improvement. Diet and a clean environment are the foundation for all healing paths. Be sure to read the pages above on diet and environmental clean-up.
You need to have some testing is done that can identify the issues I’ve mentioned above and you need a doctor who is educated about the issues I have mentioned above. Try to find a doctor who practices Functional Medicine. Please read this page on Functional Medicine testing.
Be sure to read all the pages hyperlinked in blue throughout this page, as they will give you more detailed information about each of these topics.
Also, keep in mind that all the conditions listed above are often interconnected and occur simultaneously. For example, someone with Candida typically has disrupted neurotransmitters, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, pesticide toxicity, nutritional deficiency, hormone imbalance, and food sensitivities. So it takes a comprehensive approach to address all the roots.
All the best.
This is very useful. Thanks for this. This done a great help for me.
Thanks so much.. I have been diagnosed with essential tremors.. but I have doubted that diagnoses.. I believe it is hormonal imbalances and toxic overloads and adrenal fatigue and toxicitiys like you have stated here. thanks so much for your insight.
Thank u so much for all this info. I have been dealing with extreame fatigue and internal tremors for over one year already and they keep telling me that everything is in my head. That all I have is generalized anxiety….but after been on antidepressant and mood stabilizing for over 8 months my symptoms has not improve at all….instead they are getting worse. At times I can’t even drive because the shaking in my hands and legs is absolutely uncontrollable. But no one can see them….they are internal tremors.
I have wrote down the list of possible causes for this awful feelings and I will talk to my doctor ASAP and demand a full exam for all this possible aptions.
I swear I cant wait to find out what is going on with me….at this point I dont care what it is but I want a diagnose so everybody quit saying that is all in my head.
Thank u again….wish me luck and this interminable search for answers.
You’re welcome Aldana. Anytime a doctor tells you something is all in your head, it is time to find a new doctor. You want someone who practices Functional Medicine, Integrative Medicine or Orthomolecular Medicine.
I too was told it was all in my head!! I got the internal vibrations so bad it scared me to death which caused anxiety which made it worse. Especially at night when I laid down. I tested my saliva cortisol and low and behold I have 3 low cortisol and 1 high. So I think I found my answer. Now I am taking supplements to heal my adrenals. Vit C, b5, magnesium and will be going on adrenal cortex soon. I am so sorry for those suffering from this and with it comes a whole host of other unpleasant symptoms. 🙁
I’m in my mid 40’s and in June started to notice these tremor like feelings (mainly in my mid-section/trunk) increased when I laid down at night. I think sugar/caffeine are the culprit. I think I’ve turned a corner in life and can’t tolerate as much and now am super sensitive. I’ve known for a long time to watch my caffeine intake but now it’s sugar and that one is harder to keep track of, in my opinion, since it’s in so much.
Thanks for the informative post.
Hello. I have internal vibrations that have been going on for almost 2 weeks now. Here is my story. I was eating dinner. After dinner I was served a Ande’s chocolate mint. I opened it and placed it in my mouth. I started to chew it up then I smelled and tasted a strong chemical taste/smell. My reaction was to swallow the candy. I then felt my body turn warm and felt like I almost passed out. But I didn’t. I thought it was in my mind what had just happened and me and my family left shortly after that happening. In a couple of days I started having flu symptoms – cough, sneezing, nasal congestion and fatigue. I figured I got a cold. In a few days I started to feel these vibrations inside my body especially while I was trying to sleep or at times of rest. I feel them inside my body in my head, shoulders, and back. It feels like a cat purring and my muscles never rest. It’s hard to explain. I then noticed while I try to go to sleep my heart pounds harder so I can hear it in my ears and feel the pulse as well making it nearly impossible to call asleep. When I do fall asleep I awake shortly after with a racing pounding heart seemingly trying to breathe. I then will breathe to lower my heart rate and fall back to sleep and this happens all over again throughout the night (3 or 4 times) I then get up and get a shower to try and relieve the congestion in my head. There is a lot of mucus I cough up and in nasal as well. Does anyone else have these symptoms that could shed some light on what is happening?
Hi Joe,
It sounds like it was a reaction to the chocolate, and it has caused some autonomic nervous system dysfunction. It is possible it was contaminated with some kind of chemical. You can learn more about autonomic nervous system dysfunction on the following page.
Additionally, chocolate has hundreds of naturally occurring chemicals. It is possible that you have developed a problem with chocolate itself. You can read more about chocolate on the following page.
I began having internal tremors after taking Lisinopril for high blood pressure, the tremors have lessened, but are annoying and still there with me all the time. I also get out of breath easy and feel tired a lot. I wish I had never taken Lisinopril. I wonder if I’m the only person this happened to with this medication.
I have found this article very informative