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Candida and Nystatin Enema, Parasites, Diet, Gluten Sensitivity, and More

This post answers several questions from site visitors on the topics of using a Nystatin enema for reducing Candida overgrowth, as well as some issues related to Candida diet specifics and how long one needs to be on the diet, dealing with diabetes and parasites simultaneously, and gluten sensitivity and artificial sweeteners in relation to yeast overgrowth.

Q. I have had Candida and Hashimoto’s for a long time. I read a post about Nystatin enemas being VERY effective, but was concerned because I have symptoms of leaky gut. My question was, would the Nystatin enema be dangerous as leaky gut means food and other particles go into bloodstream and isn’t it bad for Nystatin to enter the bloodstream? ~Thank you. Natalie

A. Hi Natalie,

Leaky gut takes place in the small intestine not the colon. When you do an enema, the water goes into the colon not the small intestine. A small amount of Nystatin could potentially be absorbed through the walls of the colon, but that is not going to be harmful as Nystatin can be taken orally and is one of the safest pharmaceutical based antifungals that can be used. A Nystatin enema can be one of the quickest and most effective methods for reducing the level of Candida overgrowth immediately, because it directly kills the organism on contact and then flushes it and its toxins out. Almost immediate reduction in symptoms can be achieved with a Nystatin enema. If you’re not comfortable using Nystatin, even a plain water enema can provide profound and immediate improvements, but the Nystatin gives it an extra punch.

Q. I was on the Candida diet for 8 months, had blood tests done and all came back negative. 2 months later I have the same symptoms. How accurate are these tests and what do I need to do to keep this from reoccurring. ~Thanks, Ted

A. Hi Ted,

There aren’t any Candida lab tests that are reliable, because Candida has the ability to evade all means of detection. All tests have a very high rate of false negatives. The most reliable test is the long version of the written questionnaire created by Dr. William Crook, that is found in the book, The Yeast Connection. The point to remember about Candida is, “if it quacks like a duck it’s a duck.” The symptoms one experiences are the best diagnostic tool. Please read the following pages for more info on why it is so hard to detect.



Being on the Candida diet for eight months is not going to address Candida overgrowth. In most cases, anyone with Candida must remain on the Candida diet for the rest of their life. If they don’t, then overgrowth typically returns. Additionally, one must make sure they are on the right Candida diet. There are many different versions of them out there and most of them encourage the consumption of many foods that feed Candida. You can find the right diet on the following page.


Furthermore, although the diet is critical, it alone is not going to be sufficient, it must be accompanied by agents that will break down the Candida biofilms and their cell wall, as well as antifungals, and probiotics. Plus, steps must be taken to improve the health of the gut and support the immune system. You can find an depth discussion of each of these aspects in my book, Candida Secrets, as well as hundreds of pages throughout my website.

Q. Hi Cynthia, I’ve been fighting Candida overgrowth for over a year. I would like to know if taking white rice with cassava leaves can be considered as a good diet to fight Candida overgrowth. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
~Best Regards, Guy

A. Hi Guy,

No, white rice with cassava leaves would not be good to fight Candida overgrowth; this will feed Candida considerably. There should be absolutely no grains in the diet at all and carbohydrates should be minimal. Rice is very high in carbs and provides Candida with a rich food source to make it proliferate. Additionally, rice will increase your blood sugar, which prompts an insulin response and a disruption to neurotransmitters in the brain, both of which will perpetuate cravings for sugar and carbs and that most often leads to abandonment of the diet. The diet that will fight Candida will consist of lots of animal protein and fat, eggs, fish, and low-starch vegetables. As described on the following web pages.



Cassava leaves can be toxic if not processed properly, because they contain a substance that can be converted into cyanide. So be sure they are from a reliable source. There are many other vegetables that would be a better source of nutrients than cassava leaves, if you are not from a geographical area where one must depend on cassava.

Q. I’m a diabetic and really trying to find something that I can eat other than eggs, while I am truly trying to rid myself of Candida and this yeast beast that I keep having over and over and year after year. I’m hungry beyond measure, but I’m so nausea and sick and in pain with everything I take in. And can I drink coke zero or sprite zero. Thank you for answering my questions. ~Kathy

A. Hi Kathy,

No, absolutely not, Coke, Sprite or any other kind of soda pop should not be consumed when trying to overcome Candida or any other health condition. They are toxic to the body in many ways.

First of all, they both contain aspartame. Aspartame is an excitotoxin that overstimulates brain cells so severely it causes them to die. All of which can result in severe brain dysfunction and a wide variety of symptoms like hyperactivity, attention deficit, depression, fatigue, anxiety and panic disorders, nervousness, irritability, dizziness, seizures and more. Aspartame also damages the gut. So it will disrupt brain chemistry, which will provoke cravings for sugar and carbs and it will destroy the gut making it impossible to foster a healthy gut that keep Candida in check. Please read the following page for more info on artificial sweeteners.


Both of them also contain acesulfame potassium, another artificial sweetener that may be carcinogenic, incite neurological damage and affect prenatal development. A wide variety of symptoms like dizziness, loss of memory, headaches, aching joints abdominal pain and cramping, dry skin and more are reported in response to acesulfame potassium. It also prompts an insulin response, which someone with diabetes certainly does not want. But, that also means it will incite cravings for sugar and carbs. It also doesn’t break down very well in waste water treatment and therefore is contaminating water supplies.

Additionally, Coke contains caffeine. One cannot overcome Candida if they consume caffeine, because each time caffeine is consumed it triggers the liver to release sugar that it has stored into the bloodstream, this increases blood glucose and prompts an insulin response, so not good for diabetes. But, it also provides sugar for Candida to feed on. Not only that, caffeine depletes neurotransmitters in the brain, which leads to cravings for more sugar and carbs. Please read the following page on caffeine and Candida.

There are many foods one can eat when they have diabetes and are fighting Candida. Meats of all kinds, (chicken, beef, buffalo, turkey,) as well as wild game, and Wild Alaskan fish, All should be organic, grass-fed, hormone and antibiotic free of course. As well as an abundance of organic low-starch vegetables like cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, avocados, olives, spinach, cabbage, green beans, kale, chard, and much more. Butter and cream can be used as well if one does not have any intolerances to dairy products.

Following the proper Candida diet, which is a low carb version of the Paleo diet, is also excellent for anyone with diabetes, as it will be low in foods that prompt an insulin response. You can find the details on diet on the following pages.



If you have a lot of pain in your gut when you eat, then you should look into whether you also have H pylori, a bacteria that can cause a great deal of pain. However, if you are consuming Coke and Sprite, it could also be caused by that.

Q. I was wondering if what the doctor is thinking might be Candida or a gluten sensitivity might be a parasite. I have a dog and she sleeps with me. I’m sure many times I have fed her from my hand and eaten something myself without washing my hands, etc. Could I have a parasite? And, is there a natural way to rid myself? ~Beth

A. Hi Beth,

Sleeping with your pet and not washing hands after handling them is a sure-fire way to get parasites. All animals carry parasites. The symptoms of parasite infection are very similar to what one would experience when they have Candida and/or gluten sensitivity. So, yes it is entirely possible that you have parasites.

However, that doesn’t mean that Candida and gluten sensitivity are not a problem as well. Candida and parasites typically occur together, because once the gut is vulnerable to one microbe it is generally vulnerable to other microbes because the immune system and gut lining becoming compromised.

Additionally, we are all gluten sensitive to some degree or another. The human body is simply not equipped for the consumption of grains. For some people it is more severe than others, and these are the ones that test positive on lab tests. However, gluten damages the gut, brain, and the immune system to some degree in every person that eats it. Therefore, the consumption of gluten then makes the gut vulnerable to Candida and parasites.

So, although it is possible that parasites is the sole problem, it is more likely that it is a combination of parasites, gluten, and Candida. Please read my parasite page for more information on this topic. There are a wide variety of natural herbs that are used to treat parasites, however, it is my opinion that parasites require a pharmaceutical. I don’t typically promote the use of drugs, but there are some cases when one is necessary and parasites is often one of those cases.

Best Regards,
Cynthia Perkins

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