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Does Soy Fit with the Candida Diet?

Q. I’d like to know if soy products fit with the Candida diet, i.e. tofu, soy milk and wheat-free soy sauce. I was a vegetarian and would like to become again soon, but feel at a loss on how to get enough protein without dairy,. I am now eating chicken and fish but would like to continue with tofu if it’s wise. Thanks, Violaine

A. Hi Violaine,

No, soy does not fit with the Candida diet or any other diet. Soy is one of the most unhealthy foods you can consume. It should be avoided by everyone.

Soy contains a variety of naturally occurring toxins that are destructive to the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract and inhibit absorption of nutrients; leading to nutritional deficiencies, and inhibits proper functioning of the thyroid gland. The consumption of soy can be a significant cause of hypothyroidism.

It is also very high in phytoestrogens, which are naturally occurring estrogens that mimic estrogen in the human body, resulting in hormonal imbalances; particularly excessive levels of estrogen. Too much estrogen is a root cause of many debilitating health problems like anxiety attacks, PMS and depression, but of most concern is breast cancer and feminization of males.

If soy is eaten it should be fermented, like Natto, Miso and Tempeh, because the fermentation process boosts some of the nutritional aspects of soy and reduces some of the harmful effects, but not all. However, even the fermented should be on a limited basis as well. Tofu is not fermented. On the other hand, fermented foods tend to cause a variety of symptoms for people with Candida.

I encourage you to read these articles by Dr. Mercola on the health dangers of soy.
Soy Controversy and the Health Effects

Soy Dangers

You can also find an abundance of information on the truth about soy, as well as grains and other legumes in The Paleo Diet*, a book I recommend that everyone reads.

Being a vegetarian is also one of the worse things you can for yourself, even if you don’t have Candida. Animal protein (including red meat) is needed to provide the body with adequate amino acids, fat, vitamins and minerals, cholesterol to make all your life sustaining steroid hormones, adequate immunity, stable mental health and optimal health in general.

Regardless of all the hoopla you hear about vegetarianism, you simply cannot get all the nutrients needed in fruits and vegetables, and beans and grains should not be part of the diet. We are a protein deficient society and this is one of the root causes of the epidemics of health conditions we see so commonly in the population, like obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, depression, insomnia, arthritis, anxiety, addiction and more. It is not healthy to be a vegetarian.

I have discussed the issue of Candida and vegetarianism a few times on this blog, so I encourage you to read the following pages on this topic.

The Vegetarian and Candida Diet Dilemma

Candida Diet and Vegetarians

Why The Kind Diet is Not Healthy

12 Reasons to Eat More Meat

It is a myth that eating meat is bad for your health perpetuated by a lack of accurate information. The studies that started the whole “get rid of meat” movement were based on processed meats and meat that comes from grain-fed animals. You should not be eating processed meat or grain-fed animals, but you should be eating organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised, or free-range animals.

Processed meats are pumped full of harmful fats, sugar and chemicals that result in heart disease, obesity, cancer, etc. Organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised, or free-range animas do not contain these destructive ingredients.

Grain-fed animals, which is what you’re buying in the grocery store, develop an unhealthy ratio in their Omega-3 to Omega-6 fatty acids, which is transferred to us when eaten. Basically they don’t provide enough Omega-3s, which results in heart disease, poor mental health and more. Grass-fed or free-range animals, on the other hand, have a very healthy ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 and therefore provide us with the nutrients we need and encourage good heart and mental health.

Additionally, grain-fed animal protein is also loaded with antibiotics, hormones, and pesticides, which also lead to conditions like heart disease, obesity, insomnia and poor mental and physical health overall. Grass-fed, free-range, or pasture-raised animals are free from these harmful substances.

The diet should contain an abundance of organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised, free-range animal protein, low-starch vegetables and a small amount of fruit, nuts and seeds.


6 thoughts on “Does Soy Fit with the Candida Diet?”

  1. Hi Cynthia,

    Appreciated your article very much as I do wholeheartedly agree with your point of view regarding the optimal diet for humans. I have a question regarding the procurement of grass-fed, free-range, organic meat. I live in Belgium at the moment, I moved here 5 months ago for PhD studies and am slowly acquainting myself with the local farmer’s markets to obtain the best and most natural foods possible.
    I have not found a butcher that carries grass-fed meat. What do I do in this case? I thought of limiting my meat to that of lamb or sheep, rabbit and wild game, such as pheasant, quail and guinea fowl as these are more likely to not be fed with grains. I do also buy some of the organic meat that could be found in local supermarket chains, such as porc and beef. Is this adequate and are those meat choices sound?

    Thank you very much for your insight,

    1. Admin - Cynthia Perkins

      Hi Kassandra,

      You’re welcome.

      Yes, the lamb, sheep, rabbit and wild game etc., are good choices. They are actually the best meats for us, because they more closely resemble the foods our ancestors ate.

      Organic meat is typically grass-fed and free range by default. So that is a good choice too.


  2. I have been battling candida since I had severe diverticulitis in 2008. Multiple courses of anti-biotics during ’08 then surgical resection in May ’09.

    I was looking for a protein drink to buy and thought Non-GMO soy would be OK.

    Any advice on a protien drink to buy and use?


  3. Hello, I just purchased garlic supplements to fight my candida. However in the ingredients says soy bean oil. Is it okay to take?


    1. Admin - Cynthia Perkins

      Hi Victoria,

      Soybean oil would be subject to things we’ve discussed on this page. You should find a brand that doesn’t contain any. Also, keep in mind that garlic alone is not going to be sufficient. Antifungals need to be rotated and combined to prevent mutation and resistance, and the diet must be in place.


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