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Is This Normal on the Candida Diet?

You may experience a variety of symptoms when you begin the Candida diet as the yeast begins to die off and the body eliminates its toxins that may be confusing or even alarming as illustrated in this question from a yeast sufferer.

Hi Cynthia,
I have gone through your blog and have found some great information on it. I have a question regarding the diet though. I have had problems with Candida for about 3 months or so. I started the “Candida diet” about 2 weeks back where I have completely cut out carbohydrates. At first I experienced a few die off symptoms and my gas and now my bloating problems have gone down by A LOT! Although I have diarrhea for the last 5-6 days. Is this normal when clearing the Candida? Also, my concern is for how long should I follow this diet? Is there any way I can tell that i have got the Candida back under control? Thanks!Aashish

Hi Aashish,

I’m glad you find the blog helpful.

Yes, these are common experiences for someone with Candida. This is considered a die off response. The diet starves the yeast and it begins to die and releases toxins in the process. However, since the diarrhea is occurring two weeks later it may be the result of something else.

It could be the changes in diet and your gastrointestinal tract is readjusting to healthier foods, but it could also be a parasite, a reaction to a nutritional supplement or a food sensitivity. If you take too much vitamin C or magnesium, diarrhea can develop.

Candidiasis is usually only the tip of the iceberg. Once someone begins to clean up their diet, then other health issues they were unaware of become apparent. For example, colon health and food sensitivities.

If your gastrointestinal tract is significantly damaged from yeast, it can have a hard time digesting healthier foods like vegetables and digestive enzymes may be called for. Many people with a yeast problem are deficient in digestive enzymes.

If the diarrhea persists, be sure to consult with your physician. In the meantime, be sure to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.

In regard to how long you should follow the Candida diet — permanently. Once someone begins to develop problems like Candida from a poor diet, then returning to the old diet is not usually possible. If you do, then yeast will flare again.

I’ve recently written about this topic a couple times lately, so I encourage you to read the following posts:

You know that your Candida is under control when your symptoms diminish. However, if you eat sugar and carbohydrates again then it will no longer be under control.

Once a yeast problem occurs, then lifelong adherence to a Candida diet is usually required. The diet that you ate previously is what caused the yeast overgrowth. The human body is not supposed to ingest sugar, caffeine, white flour, other junk food or excessive amounts of complex carbohydrates. The development of Candida is an indication that your body no longer tolerates a poor diet, and if you continue, then your health will continue to deteriorate in many ways besides yeast overgrowth.

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