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Natural Ways to Cleanse Your Colon

There are a variety of natural ways to cleanse your colon and help your body eliminate the food you eat and other bodily waste. With the right practices in diet, lifestyle, and supplementation, you can help your colon function optimally and improve your health overall.

A healthy colon, also known as the large intestine, that produces regular bowel movements is essential to your health. Some physicians believe all illness originates from an unhealthy bowel. The colon is about five feet in length. It consists of the large intestine, the rectum, and the anus. Its main goal is to absorb water and nutrients and to form and eliminate feces.

A variety of both bad and good bacteria reside in the colon. Many of which are aids for digestion and processing of the B complex vitamins and folic acid. In a healthy person, the process of elimination beginning from ingestion of food and ending with evacuation usually takes between 12 and 24 hours.

Some health care professionals feel you should be having three bowel movements a day. One after each meal. However, at the very least, you should be having at least one every day. Bowel movements should occur easily, be complete and they shouldn’t hurt.

Healthy stool should be long, large, and round, and hopefully make an S shape. Or at least a C. It should also be light brown in color and should not be offensive in smell. When you flush the toilet, it should break up easily.

If you’re not having at least one bowel movement a day, then you’re colon is not functioning properly and this can lead to a variety of mental and physical symptoms, health conditions, and disease.

If you’re already living with a chronic health condition or illness, then this puts an additional burden on the body that is already running low on resources. By incorporating some of these natural ways to cleanse the colon into your daily life you can keep your bowels moving regularly and improve your health.

When stool sits in the colon for too long it begins to putrefy, ferment, and build up toxins. Since one of the main goals of the colon is to absorb, these toxins can then be absorbed back into the body. The longer the period is between each bowel movement you have, then the longer your body is exposed to the toxins. When this occurs repeatedly for extended periods of time, it becomes hazardous to your health.

Most colon problems are the result of the sedentary lifestyle that many people live and the standard modern-day diet. Refined food, white flour, meat pumped full of hormones and antibiotics, vegetables, and grains contaminated with pesticides, sugar, and sodas are all detrimental to not only the colon but the entire body.

If you’re looking for more in-depth information for cleansing the bowel, you may want to visit the colon cleansing at home page or if you’re looking specifically for herbs that are beneficial for the colon you’ll want to take a look at the herbal colon cleanse page.

Easiest Natural Ways to Cleanse Your Colon

Here are some of the most beneficial actions you can take to improve your colon health.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is used by many people for natural colon cleansing. Because of its great ability to absorb it binds with toxins in the colon and pulls them out.

Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay absorbs water, binds to toxins, and also renders them harmless. Then it helps excrete them.


A colon must have exercise to remain healthy and function properly. If you were only able to pick one natural colon cleansing practice, exercise would be a top priority.

Mild to moderate exercise on a consistent basis helps your colon perform all its functions more effectively. It’s one of the best aids for constipation.


You hear it all the time. The colon must have adequate fiber. It adds bulk and softness to prevent hard, dry stools that lead to constipation. It’s probably the easiest natural colon cleansing step you can take. However, you don’t want to overdo it, because too much fiber can contribute to bacterial overgrowth.

Heed to Nature’s Call

When nature calls, don’t ignore that urge to go. Many people put off going to the bathroom when the need calls for a variety of reasons. This leads to constipation and poor colon health.

Drink Plenty of Water

Water makes the stool move easier through the intestines. Water also helps detox in a variety of other ways and is vital to every function of the body. Don’t drink coffee, tea, soda, etc., in place of water, because they lead to dehydration. It must be water that you drink.

No Chemical Laxatives

Chemical laxatives are too harsh and damaging to the colon. Not only that, the body can become dependent upon them and constipation problems will become more severe. If you need a laxative. then choose an herb found in many natural colon cleansing preparations.


Many people are deficient in Magnesium. Adequate consumption of magnesium is essential for regular bowel movements. I personally can’t have a bowel movement if I don’t take magnesium. If you’ve tried a variety of methods for your constipation without relief, a magnesium deficiency may be the culprit.


An enema is a great way to jump-start a new health care approach and help you make progress quickly. It flushes out the old, dry, fecal build-up on the colon walls and removes toxins quickly.

Use Natural Ways to Cleanse Your Colon Regularly

Ideally, most people should be engaging with a variety of these natural ways to cleanse your colon on a daily basis. They should become a part of your life. Taking steps to promote good colon health is needed for all-around health.

Most of these practices are not only beneficial to a healthy colon, but are also an essential component of self-care for any holistic health-conscious individual.

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