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Candida Albicans Infection

A Candida Albicans infection can wreak havoc on your mental and physical health. C. Albicans is the most prevalent form of yeast to cause infections in people, but there are hundreds of others. Normally it lives in symbiosis in the human body along with a variety of other microbes. It actually has the important job of helping to detect and destroy other pathogenic bacteria that may enter the body, but sometimes something happens in the body that allows it to grow out of control and it creates infections accompanied by a variety of unpleasant symptoms. One of its other functions is to decompose a dead body and when it proliferates in a living body it still tries to do its job.

It flourishes in environments that are dark, moist, and warm and thus the most common places overgrowth occurs are in the mouth, feet, vagina, and gastrointestinal tract. However, a yeast infection can actually occur almost anywhere in the body and affect not only women but men and children as well.

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Once Candida Albicans infection takes place in the gastrointestinal tract, it can change forms and penetrate the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream, which allows it to travel all through the body. It may then take up residence anywhere, like the lungs, joints, muscles, sinuses, brain, spine, gallbladder, liver, or anywhere it pleases. When it permeates the intestinal wall, it leaves microscopic holes, which may lead to the development of the leaky gut syndrome and food allergies as undigested food particles and other toxins enter the body.

It has a variety of names and is also known as thrush, athlete’s feet, vaginal yeast infection, Candida, Candida yeast, yeast syndrome, or yeast infection. When it travels to other parts of the body besides the gut then it is called systemic Candida.

The overgrowth of Candida Albicans is rampant in our society due to two main factors. Those factors are the overuse of prescription antibiotics and a diet that is low in nutritional value and high in refined sugars and simple carbohydrates.

When you take an antibiotic it kills all the bacteria in your body, the bad and the good. The problem is that your body needs good bacteria to maintain health and keep opportunistic invaders like Candida from taking over. Antibiotics don’t affect Candida, therefore when all the good bacteria are eliminated by antibiotics, Candida is free to grow rampant and take over.

Candida Albicans’ main source of food is sugar. Any food that you eat that contains sugar, starches, or simple carbohydrates will feed Candida and encourage it to multiply even more. This problem is complicated even more by the fact that poor nutrition means your body is not getting adequate vitamins and minerals to keep your immune system strong and body functioning optimally. This leaves the body more vulnerable to Candida Albicans infection.

Other contributing factors to the overgrowth of this fungus are birth control pills, antacids, ulcer medication, cortisone, weak immune system, heavy metals, mercury leaching from mercury dental fillings, steroids, environmental toxins, chlorinated drinking water, inadequate levels of hydrochloric acid, and other essential digestive enzymes, synthetic estrogen, a pH level in the body that is too alkaline, and immune-suppressing drugs.

Candida creates and releases over 70 different toxins like ethanol and acetaldehyde into your bloodstream that not only cause a host of problems in the human body but also weaken the immune system. Ethanol is an alcohol and acetaldehyde is related to formaldehyde. These toxins disrupt the normal functioning of the body’s systems. It can also interfere and mimic estrogen, thyroxin and other hormones in the body thus creating hormonal imbalances and problems with the thyroid or other glands. These toxins can also overload the liver and impede normal liver functions.

Candida Albicans and its toxins can infiltrate and affect any organ or system in the body and can be responsible for a large variety of physical and mental health conditions that we see so commonly in people today. Most people are unaware that it may be the cause of their arthritis, headaches, migraines, anxiety, depression, aggression, mood swings, fatigue, sore throats, gas, bloating, persistent cough, irritable bowel syndrome, hyperactivity, memory problems, attention deficit, cold sores, eczema, hormonal fluctuations, menstrual difficulties, inability to lose weight, Crohn’s, Prostatitis Autism and much, much more.

Infection with Candida Albicans yeast is an extremely complex and difficult condition to overcome once it infiltrates the body. It is one of the most obstinate, clever, and highly adaptive organisms you will ever encounter. It has the ability to mutate and develop stronger forms of itself.

Your best course of action in eliminating yeast overgrowth involves learning about the Candida diet and following it as strictly as possible, eliminating sugar and refined carbohydrates from your diet, avoiding the use of antibiotics or other prescription drugs that may encourage yeast overgrowth, and educating yourself as thoroughly as possible about every different aspect of this complicated syndrome.

There are a variety of treatment products and approaches available on the market today and many practitioners treating this condition are not fully educated about all the intricate details and aspects, so deciding which route to take can be very confusing. Before embarking on a particular treatment path it is crucial that you have a complete understanding of the depth and complexity of Candida Albicans.

You can impede your progress and decrease the effectiveness of a product or remedy if you don’t have all the facts and understand the most effective way to approach treatment. To get started on the right foot from the get-go, you’ll find this quick and easy read called “Candida Secrets” to be just what you’re looking for to find relief.

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