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Candida Overgrowth Treatment Overview

Standard treatment for Candida Overgrowth usually consists of a variety factors that include making lifestyle changes, adopting a new diet, eliminating the use of antibiotics, and taking some kind of antifungal and probiotics.

Treatment may be administered by yourself or a physician. If you’re just starting out learning about Candida, I highly recommend finding a knowledgeable Candida physician or holistic health educator to help guide you.

Unfortunately, there are very few physicians that have a thorough understanding of all the facets of yeast overgrowth. Candida is very cunning, enigmatic, and complicated and involves many different factors. There are a lot of practitioners out there, but they come with varying levels of expertise and knowledge. Not everyone grasps the deep complexities of Candida and is capable of addressing the many different issues involved.

So that means that it’s necessary for individuals who have a yeast problem to educate themselves as much as humanly possible. Read everything you can get your hands on, consult with a variety of practitioners and educators. The more you know the more effective your Candida overgrowth treatment approach will be. If you don’t have access to a doctor who is knowledgeable enough, try to find someone who is open to being educated so that you can teach them what needs to be done. My preference is to have an MD who follows a holistic philosophy, otherwise known as a holistic medical doctor.

The best Candida overgrowth treatment involves a combination of self-care approaches mixed with the knowledge of a competent health care provider. It’s pretty common for individuals dealing with yeast overgrowth to treat themselves since there are so many over-the-counter natural health products, but with the right Candida doctor you can take some additional steps that aren’t available otherwise.

The treatment protocol that you’ll follow when consulting with a physician will vary from one practitioner to another depending on their philosophy, their level of expertise and which products they’ve found to be most helpful in their patients. Depending on their particular credentials, they may use a combination of prescriptions and natural antifungals. They may also support the body with nutritional supplements and encourage you to participate in a detox program as well as colon cleansing.

If you’d like a great little resource that condenses all the essential components needed for successful treatment into a quick and easy guide, you may find Candida Secrets to be very helpful.

Regardless of whether you’re treating yourself or seeing a physician, there are a two basics that must be addressed. Even the practitioner with the most basic understanding of Candida will probably be competent in the basics. They are:

  1. Follow a strict Candida overgrowth diet
  2. Take an antifungal

The Candida diet is a very important aspect in the treatment of Candida overgrowth. There are some products out there such as Threelac, that claim you can get rid of yeast overgrowth with their product and that you won’t have to follow the diet, but that simply can’t be true for long-term success. Overcoming Candida is not that simple. Not only that it just doesn’t make good sense. If you make some success in eradicating your overgrowth of yeast and you continue eating a diet that is high in sugar and refined starches, ultimately it will bring it back in full force and thus you’ll be right back where you started.

In addition to that, sugar and refined foods also lead to a variety of other chronic health conditions like insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, cancer, obesity, addiction, anxiety, depression and more. So it really has no place in the diet anyhow.

Antifungals are another powerful component of Candida overgrowth treatment. There are prescription drug antifungals and natural antifungals. Essentially these are products that actually kill the Candida yeast. Since I’m a proponent of the holistic lifestyle my first choice of treatment is, of course, the natural antifungals. However I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with getting a little help now and then with a prescription. But you must be very careful with drug antifungals because they often have a variety of negative side effects, such as elevating your liver enzymes.

In my opinion it is best to only do a short course of prescription antifungals perhaps when you’re just starting out your treatment plan to help you get a good boost or if you have severe yeast symptoms that need immediate attention or as an addition to a natural treatment to help you move along faster. Some of the most common prescription-based antifungals include Nystatin, Dilfucan, Nizoral and Amphotericin B. It’s important to be aware that Diflucan and Nizoral do not eradicate yeast that is present in the gut, they primarily target the blood stream.

Prescription drug antifungals can only be acquired with a prescription. Your doctor should monitor your liver very closely while taking any prescription antifungals, except for Nystatin and Amphotericin B; both of these don’t leave the gut and won’t affect your liver. This is done by ordering a simple blood test.

Natural Treatment of Candida Overgrowth

As mentioned above, natural antifungals are the preferred approach. You don’t have to worry about elevated liver enzymes or any other toxic side effects.

There’s a vast amount of choices for natural antifungals on the market. Some are more effective than others. Be sure to pick a reputable company.

They usually consist of a combination of herbs and/or nutrients and other natural sources that have antifungal properties. Natural antifungals can be just as effective, if not more so, than drug therapy, but you may have to try several of them to find what works best for you.

Some of the most common natural Candida treatments are garlic, grapefruit seed extract, oregano oil, colloidal silver, olive leave, taheebo leaf, tanalbit and caprylic acid. However, Candida gets resistant to antifungals, so they must be rotated to prevent resistance. Food grade hydrogen peroxide is effective as well, and doesn’t need rotated.

Colon cleansing in the form of an enema or colonics is often used in conjunction with the Candida treatment program because it physically removes the yeast from the bowel and alleviates die off.

In order to make any progress eliminating Candida overgrowth, the basics must be followed simultaneously, however treatment varies widely from individual to individual. What works for one person may not work for another. Your form of yeast may be resistant to one antifungal, but not another. Although the basics of the diet are the same for everyone, there can be a lot of variations from one person to the other. For example: some people can eat fruit while others can’t fruit at all. It depends on your level of overgrowth.

Other Factors Connected to Treatment

There are a variety of other factors usually involved in yeast overgrowth. Not every individual may have each of these aspects, but they are something you want to check into and incorporate into your Candida treatment plan if necessary. Some people may have only one or two of these issues they need to address while others may have all of them.


Also known as low thyroid, means your thyroid is not working adequately. Many people with Candida also have Hypothyroidism, because the toxins that yeast emits impair the function of the thyroid gland and it also contributes to overgrowth of yeast.


Also known as low blood sugar, is very common in people with yeast overgrowth, because the yeast itself upsets blood sugar levels. The good thing about this is that the Candida diet is also a good diet for people with hypoglycemia, so when you follow the yeast diet you will be addressing the issue of Hypoglycemia. However, you may need to make a few adjustments to the diet to meet the needs of your Hypoglycemia as well.

Hypoadrenalism or Adrenal Fatigue

It’s not uncommon for people with Candida to have low adrenal function and addressing this issue can help you be more successful with your treatment approach.

Mercury and/or Heavy Metals

Many people with yeast problems as well as other chronic health conditions have heavy metals in their body from silver metal fillings in their teeth, immunization shots, deodorants, fish etc. This also contributes to Candida overgrowth, because degrades the digestive system. Many people have improved their health by removing heavy metals from their body.

Candida Allergy

A lot of individuals are actually allergic to the Candida yeast itself, and if you find a knowledgeable physician they can actually test you for this and then provide with a remedy that is called a neutralizing dose. This will be in the form of an injection that you will give yourself or it may be composed of drops that you put under your tongue. Many people find this approach to be very helpful for a variety of symptoms, but some people do not respond well.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Candida is typically accompanied by a variety of nutritional deficiencies, and these deficiencies can produce symptoms that are very similar to yeast overgrowth. It can sometimes be difficult to tell the difference between the two. On one hand, yeast overgrowth creates nutritional deficiencies, while on the other hand, the deficiencies in nutrients make the body vulnerable to yeast. Nutritional deficiencies should be identified and addressed.

Food Sensitivities

Food sensitivities usually occur with yeast overgrowth as well, because Candida harms the gastrointestinal tract causing leaky gut, which allows undigested foods to enter the bloodstream. Sensitivities to food can also create symptoms that are very similar to yeast overgrowth and it can be difficult to tell the difference between them as well. Addressing food sensitivities is another important component of the healing path.

Unfortunately, Candida overgrowth treatment is not always a straight and narrow path. It often takes a lot of trial and error. It definitely takes a lot of education and patience. Yeast is extremely persistent, resilient, and hardy. You may make progress for a while and then have a major or minor setback. Be prepared for a battle.

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