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HIV – AIDS and Candida

Someone posted in the comment section of the blog that they were interested in information related to Candida and HIV – AIDS so here it is.

Most traditional, main stream doctors believe that it is only people with severely compromised immune systems, such as those living with HIV, AIDS or Cancer who develop Candida overgrowth, however that is not true. If your physician still believes this, then that is an indication that you’re dealing with a physician that is not very educated and enlightened and it’s time to shop around. Yeast problems are very common in the human population because of the overuse of antibiotics and a non-nutritional diet that is high in sugar and refined carbohydrates.

With that being said, one of the most favorable conditions for yeast to thrive is in a body that has a weak immune system. So naturally people with HIV – AIDS are prime candidates for yeast overgrowth. Candida problems are very common is this population.

For the most part, Candida overgrowth in an individual with HIV can be the same as a non-infected individual, however someone with full blown AIDS may have a more serious problem. The weaker your immune system, the more Candida can proliferate and the more overgrowth in your body the more symptoms you will experience. Since the AIDS person’s immune system is so weak, the symptoms may be of a more serious nature like Candida septicemia, which is blood poisoning caused by yeast. Septicemia can be fatal.

As we know individuals with AIDS don’t really die from AIDS itself, they die from the opportunistic infections that occur as the result of the weakened immune system. Candida can be one of those opportunistic infections. However, keep in mind that for complications this serious we’re probably talking about people with advanced stages of AIDS.

Candida symptoms for the average HIV person would be more similar to those experienced by anyone with yeast overgrowth. It appears quite frequently in the mouth, esophagus and genitals.

Treatment would be the same for an HIV – AIDS person as it would anyone else.

– Following the Candida Diet

– Taking Antifungals

– Replacing Healthy Bacteria

– Supplementing the Diet with Vitamins and Minerals

However, since most people with HIV – AIDS are taking a variety of medications there can be drug interactions when they take antifungals, whether they are prescription based or natural remedies. You should always discuss the use of antifungals with your physician before taking them.

It’s also important to keep in mind that if you are being treated by a doctor in the mainstream medical community, their understanding of Candida will be quite limited. They are aware that yeast infection occurs frequently within HIV – AIDS individuals, however most of them think it can be addressed simply by taking a prescription and that is not usually the case. Candida is much more complex and involved than that. A prescription may help temporarily clear up a local infection, but a comprehensive approach will help achieve more long term results.

Educating yourself about Candida thoroughly and seeking the assistance of a good alternative health practitioner who has expertise in Candida as well as HIV and AIDS will be in your best interest.

If you haven’t read the Candida section of this site, be sure to do so. It contains a vast amount of free and helpful information.

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