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Is Goat’s Milk Safe on the Candida Diet?

Cow’s milk is a no-no on the Candida diet, but what about Goat’s milk? That’s what a visitor wants to know today.

Cynthia, I’ve been controlling Candida for about 6 years now. I’ve had an Alcat test and have a mild reaction to whey, amongst many other food sensitivities, so I don’t drink milk. I have been told that milk, anyway, feeds yeast. Bottom line, is there anything in goat’s milk that as a candida sufferer would give cause not to consume it as well? Would goat’s milk be beneficial? Thanks in advance for your time! ~ Tina

Hi Tina,

Goat’s milk is generally considered to be easier to digest and less allergenic than cow’s milk because it is more like human milk than cow’s milk, its fat molecules are smaller and it doesn’t contain agglutinin. When something is easier to digest it will move through the gastrointestinal tract quicker and is less likely to cause problems. However, like cow’s milk, it dose contain other common allergenic properties called beta lactoglobulin and casein, so those who have an allergy to cow’s milk may also react to goat’s milk.

Cow’s milk is considered to be an acidic food while goat’s milk is considered more alkaline so it’s better for keeping the bodies pH balanced. Goat’s milk does not create mucous or phlegm so it’s better for allergies and asthmatics. The smaller more easily digested proteins are better tolerated by those with compromised liver functioning, which is common in those suffering with Candida.

Goat’s milk is higher in a variety of vitamins and minerals like calcium, niacin, copper, B6, potassium and selenium, than cow’s milk, but it is lower in folic acid and vitamin B-12. It is slightly higher in fat than cow’s milk, but again that fat is smaller in size and doesn’t contain agglutinin so it’s easier to digest.

Because it does digest quicker, some people who are lactose intolerant or have a milk allergy are able to tolerate it better than cow’s milk, while other more sensitive people don’t do well with either one. Like most things, it varies from individual to individual.

Goat’s milk contains almost the same amount of lactose as cow’s milk so those who are lactose intolerant and have Candida overgrowth are likely to still have a problem. Lactose is milk sugar, and that is why milk and milk products should be avoided or limited on the Candida diet. Candida feeds on sugar and it will feed and proliferate on goat milk sugar.

However that doesn’t mean you can never eat goat’s milk. If you’re not lactose intolerant and your cow milk sensitivity is mild, then you may get away with adding it to the diet now and then. You’ll have to test it out and see how your body reacts to it. It probably wouldn’t hurt if you were wanting to have an occasional goat milk smoothie, cheese slice or yogurt, as long as the total carbohydrate intake for the day is still kept low. The key on the Candida diet is moderation and keeping the carb intake low.

You mentioned you had the ALCAT test performed. When the ALCAT says you have sensitivity to a food, the goal is to reintroduce that food in about 6 months. If you can reintroduce the food and have no reactions, then you put it in the rotation diet so sensitivity won’t develop again. So you may be able to put dairy back in your diet, but it would be on an infrequent basis.

On the other hand, another part of the Candida diet involves unlearning all the bad habits and inaccurate facts were taught. A bowl of cereal with milk is not a good breakfast. A chicken breast with steamed vegetables is a good breakfast. Cookies and milk is not a good snack. An apple, some berries, nuts, seeds or pears are a good snack. We have to let go of the programming in our mind that milk should be part of the diet.

It’s also important to keep in mind that goat’s milk and cow’s milk were meant for cows and goats, they really weren’t designed for human consumption. I had a doctor once who used to tell me “cow’s milk is for cows. The only milk that humans were supposed to drink was their mother’s milk.

The human body was not genetically equipped to digest milk from animals, which is why so many people have problems with dairy. Depending on the genes of your ancestors in your family tree, some body types may have evolved to include the ability to digest them, but many have not.

If you must have milk on a frequent basis, the better choices would be almond milk or coconut milk. They come from foods that the body was supposed to consume. Rice milk comes from a grain, so it too is hard on the gastrointestinal tract and too high in carbohydrates and soy milk is too high in phytoestrogens, which can lead to hormonal imbalances and thyroid problems.

So back to your original question, although there are some benefits for the average person, for someone with a sensitivity to cow’s milk or a Candida issue, it is probably best to avoid goat’s milk as well or keep it to a minimum, but it may vary from person to person.


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