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Crohn’s and Food Sensitivity

Q. Hi Cynthia, I took Accutane a while back and I developed Crohn’s about 5-6 years ago. I have been on Remicade and I have been following the SCD diet. I would like to get off the Remicade and stick with the diet. My doctor won’t support it, but I’m having skin irritation from the Remicade. What type of tests do I need in order to figure out what type of food I might be allergic or sensitive to? Any additional information would be great. Thanks Ali

A. Hi Ali,

Most people see significant improvements in their Crohn’s, and most other bowel disorders, by identifying their hidden food sensitivities and eliminating them from their diet. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract is one of the most common symptoms of a food sensitivity or allergy.

I recommend the ALCAT test to identify food sensitivities. In my opinion, it is a more sophisticated, advanced and accurate method of detection than others . However, it’s important to note that there is a difference between true food allergy and food sensitivity. The ALCAT tests for sensitivity and not allergy. To test for true IgE allergy, this must be done by an allergist.

An IgE allergy test does not test for sensitivity, it only tests for true allergy. So to cover all basis, then the ALCAT and standard allergy testing should be used. On the other hand, very few people have true IgE food allergies. Most people have food sensitivities. A true allergy usually produces immediate and pronounced symptoms, while a sensitivity typically produces delayed symptoms. It is estimated that approximately 80 percent of the population has delayed food sensitivities, while only about 5 percent has true food allergy.

The most common foods to exacerbate Crohn’s and provoke other bowel disorders are grains, regardless of whether one has a sensitivity to them or not. The gastrointestinal tract of the human being is not genetically equipped to eat grains. Other foods that should be eliminated include legumes, caffeine, chocolate and sugar, as well as food additives and preservatives and pesticides. Dairy can be an aggravator for many. The diet I recommend for all conditions is the Paleolithic Diet, because it is the diet that we were genetically designed to eat.

However, within the Paleolithic Diet there can be healthy foods that one has a sensitivity to which produces negative symptoms. So combining the results one gets with the ALCAT test with the Paleolithic Diet will provide optimal relief.

Other underlying conditions typically found in people with Crohn’s include parasites, bacterial overgrowth and Candida yeast overgrowth. Following the Paleo Diet is the most important step in addressing Candida, but you should read up on the other necessary steps like probiotics, antifungals etc.

A supplement called Colostrum is very helpful for relieving inflammation associated with Crohn’s, most other irritable bowel conditions, as well as Candida, parasites, bacterial overgrowth and food sensitivities.

Environmental toxins found in common everyday chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, new carpet,  construction materials, perfume, cologne, hair spray, disinfectant, laundry soap, air fresheners, dish soap etc. can also be a major contributor to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

A must have test for anyone with Crohn’s, or other irritable bowel disorders, is the GI Effects test. It can help you identify other potential unfriendly organisms and assess the overall health of the GI tract. Sometimes there is a genetic component to Crohn’s, which can be identified with a test called an Immunogenomic.


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