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The Many Challenges of Candida

This post illustrates the many challenges and faces of Candida as we answer the following questions from a site visitor…

Hi, I need to mention at the beginning of this message that English is not my mother language, so you will probably find many mistakes in my writing. I apologize for that.I read your information about Candida problem and I think you are very wise woman. You have got also a big experience and a knowledge about this problematic issue. I want to tell you shortly about my symptoms and than I would like to ask you a few questions relating to yeast overgrowth.

As long as I remember I was always bad with my diet. I loved sweets. Every winter I had to have at least one cold. All the time I have been having problems with my skin. I don’t remember day when my skin was clear. I wake up, look at the mirror hopefully thinking maybe today my face is free from spots.

But when one day is better the other is worse. I have been having all the time itchy scaly scalp. This year when I checked for thrush the result was positive. I was taking ketoconazole. But it didn’t help me. I have started studying Candida problem on my own. At the moment I am taking oregano oil plus some probiotics and try to avoid carbs. It is very difficult to do that but I keep fighting.

My scalp is still itchy, but I think the skin of the face looks better. I don’t know if I am on a right path to recovery because what I know I wont be a winner ever. I can at last have a Candida under control.

Now if you don’t mind, I ask you questions. What can I do for my scalp to stop being so itchy and dry. Why do I have rash on my face, neck and thighs. Is oregano good antifungal you think? I don’t eat meat. I eat fish and eggs, so my diet is full of these to kinds of food. What else can I add to my diet. Grains don’t work good for my health. I want to keep my diet for at least three weeks, maybe longer.

In my case, the worst are carbohydrates. They cause to inflammation of my face. I think I feel better without them.But how long like that?

I am looking forward to hear from you. With regards Kasia . Thank you.

Hi Kasia,

Yes, these are all common experiences for someone with a Candida yeast issue. These type of symptoms develop from the toxins that Candida releases in the body.

Many strains of Candida are resistant to ketoconazole, so that is probably why it didn’t help. However, even if it did help, the itchy scalp, skin problems etc. would return once you stop taking the medication, because Candida has to be removed from the inside with more than just a prescription.

The primary place Candida yeast resides is in the gut, as you reduce the amount of yeast in the gut, then you will begin to see improvement in the skin, the scalp etc.

Oregano is a very good antifungal, however because there are many different strains and levels of Candida yeast overgrowth, not all antifungals work the same for everyone. It takes trial and error to find what works best for your body. Like all antifungals, Candida can get resistant to oregano after a period of time, so antifungals have to be alternated.

Antifungals will not do very much if you are still eating sugar, wheat, refined foods or very many complex carbohydrates.

Most people with Candida do not do well with grains, because grains break down into sugar in the body which feeds the yeast. Grains should be eliminated from the diet or at the very least greatly minimized. The most effective Candida diet consists of meat and low carb vegetables. I encourage you to learn more about the Candida diet at the following link:

Read more on the Candida diet

Following the diet for three weeks will not be long enough. Once a yeast problem develops, the candida diet usually has to be followed for the rest of one’s life. If you return to sugar, carbohydrates, refined foods etc, Candida returns.

You have to think in terms of making a commitment to permanent changes in lifestyle and diet. I suggest you read this post I wrote a few weeks ago that talks in depth about the process of change and adjustment:

Managing Candida Flares

Some of the symptoms you are experiencing, like the skin issues, may also be related to undiagnosed food sensitivity. Food sensitivity almost always occurs in conjunction with Candida. So you’ll want to read this page on sensitivities and consider the ALCAT test:

Read more on Hidden Food Sensitivities

Additionally, skin issues may also be related to a colon that is not functioning properly. Impaired colon function is another issue that usually occurs in conjunction with Candida and food sensitivities. You’ll want to check out this section of my site on colon health and a post I made on acne:

Colon Cleansing

Acne and Toxins

My Ebook, Candida Secrets, provides a comprehensive overview of all the issues that need addressed to reduce yeast overgrowth. You may want to take a look at it at the following link:

Candida Secrets

Many people with Candida often have an addiction to sugar, which contributes to the uncontrollable cravings for sweets. Sugar addiction and Candida perpetuate one another – sugar addiction will lead to Candida overgrowth and yeast overgrowth results in cravings for sugar. Both must be addressed simultaneously. Additionally, sugar weakens the immune system, which is probably why you frequently get infections. You can learn more about sugar addiction at the following link:

Read more on Sugar Addiction

Yes, I understand it is all very difficult, confusing and discouraging. However, I assure you that things can improve with a strict candida diet, taking antifungals and probiotics and changes in lifestyle. You can be a winner, but it takes commitment, perseverance and time. However your definition of winner may need to altered – winning in the case of Candida usually does not consist of being able to return to the old diet and way of living. Candida is very resilient and persistent and requires you to be the same.

Best Regards

2 thoughts on “The Many Challenges of Candida”

  1. Hi Cynthia. What a wonderful source of information you are for health and diet! I saw you mentioned in one of your articles that your son has ADHD. I’m going through that now with my 6 year-old who was just diagnosed. Can you please tell me the ways you helped him… I want to avoid medication so we are currently first trying behavioral therapy. I’d love to hear if you recommend any supplements, foods, diet, etc to help him. He currently takes fish oil, probiotics, multi vitamin, vitamin D3, and omegas 3,6,9. We are a healthy family who eats organic, very low sugar and processed foods, no artificial colors or sugars. I removed as much toxins as possible (safe cleaning ingredients, no plastics, natural rubber mattresses, etc). I feel I am already doing a lot to help him, but he’s still very impulsive, distracted and sometimes hyper. Also, have you ever sought help or had success with chiropractic adjustments for him? If you could respond (to my email), I would be so grateful. Thank you!!

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