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What is the Most Effective Antifungal?

Candida Secrets

Q. Dear Cynthia, In the last three years I made my fight with Candida in my stomach and intestines. I made a very aggressive Candida diet, and used silver colloid, and Grapefruit seed, Nystatin and it was better, but now it strikes again, and I see the grapefruit seed is not working well now. I use Nystatin, and I very much would like to get some help of products, which can help me in this case. Best Regards.~Orsi

A. Hi Orsi, Colloidal silver, grapefruit seed extract and Nystatin are all very effective antifungals. The problem you are encountering with the grapefruit seed is resistance. Candida mutates and becomes resistant to the antifungals it is exposed to over time. Antifungals need to be alternated so that the yeast doesn’t have a chance to get resistant. That means that every week a different antifungal should be used.

However, it gets resistant to Nystatin less often than others, and in order for Nystatin to be most effective, it needs to be taken at an adequate dose for an extended period of time, every day. So Nystatin should be taken continuously for at least 6 months and maybe longer. You need to make sure you are working with a doctor who has a good understanding of Candida and knows how to dose correctly, not your average general practitioner.

Although, I don’t typically encourage the use of drugs, Nystatin is an exception for a couple reasons. First of all, it is very safe. It does not leave the gastrointestinal tract, therefore that means it does not get processed by the liver or enter the blood stream. Many prescription based antifungals, like Diflucan and Nizoral can harm the liver; that is not the case with Nystatin. Sometimes there are occasions when a prescription drug is a good course of action and this is one of them.

Second, Nystatin, as long as it is taken in powder form and not a capsule, will coat the entire alimentary canal, which is important. This kills the yeast that is in the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, intestines, colon etc. as it passes through. Thus eliminating it from many places at once.

Some other effective natural antifungals include:

  • oregon grape root
  • oregano
  • garlic
  • capryllic acid
  • taheebo
  • homeopathics
  • tannilbit
  • tea tree oil
  • olive oil
  • food grade hydrogen peroxide

As mentioned above, these antifungals should be rotated. So for example, you could choose to use garlic, caprylic acid, oregano and taheebo. On week one you use capryllic, on week two you use oregano, on week three you use garlic and week for four you use taheebo. Then go back to week one and start over. Food grade hydrogen peroxide does not need rotated.

Enemas are also very effective for making some immediate and significant improvement. Nystatin can be used in the enema, or so can garlic, food grade hydrogen peroxide and probiotics.

Additionally, it’s crucial that friendly flora be restored by taking a good probiotic.

Another yeast called saccharomyces boulardi is effective at fighting Candida yeast as well as many other harmful anaerobic organisms that may inhabit the gut and helps heal leaky gut, which is often associated with yeast overgrowth. Saccharomyces boulardi can be purchased over the counter as a supplement like other probiotics.

There are many different versions of the Candida diet out there and hundreds of different opinions, which aren’t always effective. In addition to removal of sugar and refined foods, it’s important to cut out grains and beans and reduce your fruit and nut intake.

The most important fact to be aware of is that once you are vulnerable to Candida, you typically remain vulnerable. That means to keep overgrowth under control it typically requires life long maintenance. You must think in terms of permanent changes in the diet and lifestyle, or Candida does return.

You may find the following pages to be helpful as well:

Miscellaneous Candida Facts

Recurrence of Candida

The Many Challenges of Candida

There are many different antifungals on the market, and what works for one may not necessarily work for another. It depends on what strain of Candida you have, the level of overgrowth you’re dealing with and other conditions you may have as well. To some degree, it takes some trial and error to find what works best for your body.

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